Way to disable shop protection from AI attacks?

    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    While I am happy Universe Simulation appears to be working again I kind of don't like that pirates and it seems rather stupidly that the trade guild also cannot attack players at shops.

    Is there an option somewhere to disable this? I think players should be on their toes, paying attention and not afking at shops for hours on end.
    I'd like pirates to be able to attack people at shops instead of hitting some invisible nofire wall.

    Same for the trade guild, you attack a shop and you get a threatening message, trade fleet spawns in and flies to the shop and nothing else. When they should attack the hell out of the player like they used to. I mean you just attacked them and they threatened a violent response.......

    Isn't this is why we have sector protection commands yes? If we want safe zones we can assign them.

    So if there is a setting I am missing can someone point me to it please?
    If not can you please add it to the game Schine. Thanks.