Warp Stations and Chargeable beams.

    Sep 9, 2013
    Reaction score
    I would really love to see a way of building 2 (or more) warp stations and enabling the player to use them if he belongs to that faction (or is an ally of the faction) to warp to a warp station that the same faction has build somewhere else. Say make it need more energy based upon the travel length.

    Also one other thing i thought would be really cool was if there was a chargeable laser (anti matter) beam with Area of Effect upon the point it hits. This would enable players to make like. The death star xD or something like it.
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    wormhole gates have already been said to planned for the later forms of the game. i would like to be able to change the size of the event horizon, so as to fit me, or my ship through. if you can change the \"channel\" like in halo\'s build mode, then you could have many gates leading to the same place, or have one gate lead to many random places. if you could change the setting on the fly, from your ship and close it behind you like stargates, then you could link to any gate you have the code for, that is the same size as the one you go in through. would be quite handy.