warp gates and teleports

    Jul 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The problem:

    so your on a server with your mate and they have had to go off and do something boring and pointless, like eat or sleep, when they come back on your 50 sectors away building a new out post from the remain..errr donation of an old space station. They then need to fly 50 sectors to you to join you... there already 30 sectors from your home base.

    The suggestion and solution:

    two ideas,
    1) teleport pads, simple enough, require lots of power (maybe distance * 100) have a qui that allows you to assign them a writen in number or word. if two teleporters have the same word then they are linked, further teleporters would not link unless they are an advanced version (the advanced version would cost a lot more and could link to multiple others bringing up a gui on activation to pick destination (this would mean they could be named as well)

    2) warp gates, This is a lot more of a complicated suggestion
    made out of a warp gate controller and warp gate blocks, you would make a ring of connected blocks or maybe two poles a distance apart.
    The controller would be linked like the teleporter mentioned above (in this case i dont think advanced location selection ones would be a good idea)
    They would need to be able to be powered too and allow shield units on them*
    once a pair of gates has been connected (by having that same key word or number) any ship that can fit through them would be transported to the other (maybe with a short animation to show its a wormhole type thing not instant travel?
    The power cost of travel would be distance * ship mass for ballance sakes and would come from the gates power source

    *server side option to have the gates industructable for servers where the admins want to create a network for new players

    Advanced ideas:

    The gates and teleporters to use attached faction modules to only allow the same faction through
    Cloaking device used in conjunction with the faction module so the gate decloaks only when a member of it faction is near to it.

    Gate malfunctions:
    if the gate is damaged or thier isnt enough power to transfer the ship or just plain at random, the gate would drop your ship out at a random location (preferably between the two gates but hey its a worm hole so anything is possible!

    Side note: yes my suggestion is heaverly influnced by a certain syfi show but lets face it arnt we all scifi nuts here? :) and its not like im suggesting anything thats not been in a fair few other games.

    it would certainly improve me and my mates experience with the game and im sure others too.
    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    I think to my knowledge it is said that it WILL be implemented and that alot of people are supporting the idea.