Warp gate improvements

    Jun 22, 2014
    Reaction score
    Hi guys,

    After travelling a thousand kilometers to expand my warp gate network, I though of that :
    May it be awesome to have only one gate for each sector ? I mean, like in the TV-serie Stargate.
    Imagine you are in a faction and you want to build an entire warp gate network between, for instance 20 places. That is a lot of gate to connect all these places together.

    Then I though of that system :
    One main block to control the whole network, then you add in it all the warp gate computer you want to have.
    Here you have our network !
    So when you are using it before being warped into an other sector, you choose in a menu the place where you want to go or with some logic blocks you do the same.
    Then it would be also great to be able to enable and disable a gate. I also though about a pretty nice animation when the gate is in use like a kind of wormhole or black hole or something of that kind and also about of a kind of instability of the gate. I mean when it is in function, if ou shoot or overload it with enough damage and power to break the ring of the gate, it will collapse with all the entity in a range of 1.5 km.
    I know the last one may be like impossible to realize but just think about it ! Wouldn't be awesome ?

    Hope you guys liked my ideas ;)
    Leave some comments, it is always nice.

    Keep in mind that I am still learning english and it may have some mistakes in my text ;)
    Feb 8, 2015
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    it would definitely be interesting to see this implemented. i personally believe there should be a downside to being able to link multiple gates together, maybe like a "after you link five, the power requirement goes up 10% per gate addition" or maybe, if warp gates do become unstable, the more gates you connect, the more unstable the entire network. Good suggestion.
    Jun 22, 2014
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    it would definitely be interesting to see this implemented. i personally believe there should be a downside to being able to link multiple gates together, maybe like a "after you link five, the power requirement goes up 10% per gate addition" or maybe, if warp gates do become unstable, the more gates you connect, the more unstable the entire network. Good suggestion.
    I haven't thought about power but still it may be great to implement the system like so, good idea ;)
    Mar 7, 2015
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    I like this idea, very creative. VERY practical and realistic in my opinion. The more gates you add to the network, the more the central computer has to process in order to maintain the stability of the gate network. And like computers today, it would take more power the faster it has to process the input from the gate network.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I like StarGate, but it could be a bit imba -> Distance = meaningless.

    How about:
    The more gates you connect, the lower the maximum distance + the longest wormhole will collapse first.

    You can only have 3 gates (enough to build a branch) active -> with this, the network nodes would be connected by players more based on need and the whole network would be more interesting.

    BTW: There is an alternative to Gates (just not implemented). Highways could make the game more interesting as you could discover places around them.
    Feb 4, 2015
    Reaction score
    Hi guys,

    After travelling a thousand kilometers to expand my warp gate network, I though of that :
    May it be awesome to have only one gate for each sector ? I mean, like in the TV-serie Stargate.
    Imagine you are in a faction and you want to build an entire warp gate network between, for instance 20 places. That is a lot of gate to connect all these places together.

    Then I though of that system :
    One main block to control the whole network, then you add in it all the warp gate computer you want to have.
    Here you have our network !
    So when you are using it before being warped into an other sector, you choose in a menu the place where you want to go or with some logic blocks you do the same.
    Then it would be also great to be able to enable and disable a gate. I also though about a pretty nice animation when the gate is in use like a kind of wormhole or black hole or something of that kind and also about of a kind of instability of the gate. I mean when it is in function, if ou shoot or overload it with enough damage and power to break the ring of the gate, it will collapse with all the entity in a range of 1.5 km.
    I know the last one may be like impossible to realize but just think about it ! Wouldn't be awesome ?

    Hope you guys liked my ideas ;)
    Leave some comments, it is always nice.

    Keep in mind that I am still learning english and it may have some mistakes in my text ;)
    They also need to make them mobile. That would be cool. Pull your ship into range of a base warp gate and you never have to spend hours trying to remember where the hell you built it.