WAD or Bug? Turret with extra rail turret axis' being reset to 'ship'.

    Jan 1, 2015
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    I've created an AMS turret which features a central barrel 'master' cannon and eight rail turret axis docked 'slave' 'turrets' which have their own guns, for a total of nine barrels on a single base. I've included the sment file.

    When I test this system it is devastatingly effective at shooting down missiles. The problem is that whenever I reload the game, the central gun turret is reset by the game to 'ship' instead of turret. If I manually change that back to turret, it functions just the way a turret should, until I have to reload, whereupon it will be once again a 'ship'. The slave barrels remain turrets and will fire even while the central barrel is a 'ship', but of course the turret will not swivel towards the missile threat, as the swiveling is controlled by the central barrel the rest are docked to, which the game has reset to ship instead of turret.

    I tried using a rail docker to add the extra barrels, but that does not seem to work, the extra barrels will not fire.

    Is this reset to ship intentional on the part of the designers as a way to prohibit multiple barreled turrets the way I have used them, or is it a bug I should be submitting?



    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Same thing happens to docked turret barrels when docking to normal rails. The AI will turn to ship mode and refuse to do anything.
    Feb 4, 2015
    Reaction score
    I've created an AMS turret which features a central barrel 'master' cannon and eight rail turret axis docked 'slave' 'turrets' which have their own guns, for a total of nine barrels on a single base. I've included the sment file.

    When I test this system it is devastatingly effective at shooting down missiles. The problem is that whenever I reload the game, the central gun turret is reset by the game to 'ship' instead of turret. If I manually change that back to turret, it functions just the way a turret should, until I have to reload, whereupon it will be once again a 'ship'. The slave barrels remain turrets and will fire even while the central barrel is a 'ship', but of course the turret will not swivel towards the missile threat, as the swiveling is controlled by the central barrel the rest are docked to, which the game has reset to ship instead of turret.

    I tried using a rail docker to add the extra barrels, but that does not seem to work, the extra barrels will not fire.

    Is this reset to ship intentional on the part of the designers as a way to prohibit multiple barreled turrets the way I have used them, or is it a bug I should be submitting?
    I have nearly the same exact problem, except that random barrels revert to "ship" with no apparent rhyme or reason. I can set them back to turret, and even without logging in or out they will sometimes pop back to "ship". Very odd indeed and apparently no answers here (I sort of necroed this thread as I just discovered the issue myself this evening)