Vectoring Thrusters

    Sep 17, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    The recent changing to ship turning speed has left a glaring issue in its wake. What about those insanely massive ships, that are stuck crawling for minute after minute just to align and then move, let alone fight pirates, stations, players, etc.

    I for one am all for the changes, it gives a system of checks and balances for ship design.

    Though I have one MASSIVE issue with it. In space, ships don't really care about the SHAPE of your ship, so much as the center of mass, and how the mass of the ship is spread out. Yes the new system is a step in the right direction, but Ship shape needs to have a lesser impact on turning, pitch, and roll. And should be more heavily based on how the ships mass is balanced.

    But what about people that have extremely well made/aesthetically pleasing ship designs. That merge form and function. With the recent patch, cubes and spheres have been made into the most efficient form a ship can now have. And while flying a mini death star, or Borg cube maybe fun for some, it does create some issues for many.

    This is where vectoring thrusters can solve with ease.

    The idea is simple, the current hyperflux thrusters are able to turn and thrust in any direction, they only fire that energy in one direction, rather then the way they are facing. If one had a long or very wide ship their normal turn or pitch would be extremely slow. With side mounted, or top and bottom mounted thrusters one should be able to make up for the lowered turning/pitch/roll speed.

    There is an issue here however, its very easy to stack up thrusters to almost any size and fuel them with more then enough energy forever. My idea is for a unique form of thruster, made just for this job alone. The vectoring thrusters to help larger ships turn more quickly, and to even help little smaller craft become many times more nimble. The lighter the mass the less energy these thrusters would require for each one, with a greatly ramping curve to make them very much balanced.

    Now I won't lie, I'm fairly new to game as it is. Im just exploring an idea that could come as the behest to those that enjoy the idea of piloting massive dreadnoughts and titans into battle. And at the same time offer small fighters an edge against turrets that defend such craft. Any Feedback on an idea of these thrusts would be awesome.

    Small edit: Such Thrusters would need to be added in sets, which would mean each one must have a paired thruster each. But can also be paired into much larger groups to breed much efficient systems. But the larger the group the larger the energy need would be. And would be more then just x (number of thrusters). After passing group sizes of 4-8, the energy cost would grow exponentially, but in such larger groups they would get bonuses to their vectoring turning bonuses. And to also keep many small groups being abused rather then larger groups. After a set number of groups efficiency would drop down for all the groups making them take more energy, and give less bonuses for each group. Which would likely be 4-6 groups before such things happen.