Bug Vanishing access panels?

    Feb 4, 2015
    Reaction score
    I have a medium sized cruiser, about 30k or so, with 6 docked batteries. There is an access panel on each battery that lifts up 1 meter and then slides forward about 4-6 meters to allow access to the wireless modules and other logic. The problem I am having is that these sliding access panels are all......gone. Let me cover a few points, as I'm sure they'll be asked:

    (1) This happens on multiplayer and single player.
    (2) This happens when hand building, admin loading, or shipyard loading equally.
    (3) The cruiser is docked to my homebase which is in the literal dead center of the sector. There are no other entities in the sector and no ship that is not docked to the HB (we only have a few small ships regardless)
    (4) This happens when the batteries are docked to the cruiser and sitting in open space equally.
    (5) The access panels are not floating out in space, are not stuck inside the battery or ship, and are not stuck inside the homebase (there is no homebase or anything else in the singleplayer version....only use it to build)
    (6) Leaving or reentering the sector does not seem to matter. My multiplayer version has not left the homebase in weeks. The single player version has left the sector a few times with the cruiser but the battery floating in space has not moved. All have lost their access panel doors.

    So....in summary...where the h*ll are my access panel doorS? lol
    Sep 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Tester
    • Legacy Citizen
    I have a medium sized cruiser, about 30k or so, with 6 docked batteries. There is an access panel on each battery that lifts up 1 meter and then slides forward about 4-6 meters to allow access to the wireless modules and other logic. The problem I am having is that these sliding access panels are all......gone. Let me cover a few points, as I'm sure they'll be asked:

    (1) This happens on multiplayer and single player.
    (2) This happens when hand building, admin loading, or shipyard loading equally.
    (3) The cruiser is docked to my homebase which is in the literal dead center of the sector. There are no other entities in the sector and no ship that is not docked to the HB (we only have a few small ships regardless)
    (4) This happens when the batteries are docked to the cruiser and sitting in open space equally.
    (5) The access panels are not floating out in space, are not stuck inside the battery or ship, and are not stuck inside the homebase (there is no homebase or anything else in the singleplayer version....only use it to build)
    (6) Leaving or reentering the sector does not seem to matter. My multiplayer version has not left the homebase in weeks. The single player version has left the sector a few times with the cruiser but the battery floating in space has not moved. All have lost their access panel doors.

    So....in summary...where the h*ll are my access panel doorS? lol
    I have come across issues with the create docking and shipyard built docked entities not remaining docked they will be found floating around nearby usually. The only reliable method I have found is to make the entities with docked entities using a blueprint.
    If using a shipyard then build all entities separately then dock them.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1451511849,1451509440][/DOUBLEPOST]what server?
    Feb 4, 2015
    Reaction score
    I have come across issues with the create docking and shipyard built docked entities not remaining docked they will be found floating around nearby usually. The only reliable method I have found is to make the entities with docked entities using a blueprint.
    If using a shipyard then build all entities separately then dock them.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1451511849,1451509440][/DOUBLEPOST]what server?
    The problem persists even when hand building the unit, BP loading, or admin loading. There is no sign of the access panels floating around either, lol...Im on the Shattered Skied server btw
    Sep 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Tester
    • Legacy Citizen
    The problem persists even when hand building the unit, BP loading, or admin loading. There is no sign of the access panels floating around either, lol...Im on the Shattered Skied server btw
    Good, get my attention next time you see me on there I play under the name "spunkie" and I'd like to witness/record the behavior.