vanilla state fighters, and a way to have locked up sectors

    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 8
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Frankly the term min-maxed doesnt really fit. But small fighter craft that arent 90% weapons should still be able to fight each other without ending in a stalemate too often. Theyre not going to be like invulnerable to one another for sheer suckiness.

    In reference to the OP's actual suggestion rather than our derailment on all the weapon and game mechanics that dont work at the moment. i think built in combat arenas with special rules (such as limited choice in ships, or reactor size and mass, etc), as included within the normal sandbox world, would be something that makes sense to include in the future and could be fun. Could host gambling and special events, earn some credits.
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