Vader-Class Cruiser

    Oct 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hello guys,

    so here's my very first own project which I started recently. I really love the style of the Imperial Navy ships from Star Wars and since there aren't really that much around here in Starmade I figured I'd create my own ship. It's exterior style is kind of a mixture between the Executer Dreadnought and the Venator-Class but still is supposed to be smaller than a regular sized Stardestroyer.

    It now has only 16 turrets (the ones at the front don't actually work as they got shot down by the main turrets) which is pretty decent for a ship designed as a fleet support or quick-attack-style strategy

    Still it's not finished yet. I'm pretty new to Starmade and I still haven't figured out how to arrange all the different type of blocks. I would be really happy if someone could give me some advice of how all those systems work most efficient. There's still plenty of room inside the ship to reconstruct shielding or weaponry.

    Looking forward for some advice guys. :)

    Here's a first glimpse

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    truly fine work you have here. if power is a prob then extend the power blocks on the axes xyz but make sure that when you add more the added ones never touch. dont do a big block of it
    Oct 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    Yeah thank\'s a lot. Energy has gotten a lot better but somehow my shielding is not doing well. It keeps adding more reload speed instead of higher shield rates. Got any ideas?