Using shape as well as size to determine weapon function.

    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    It's a simple thought. Rather than just the size of a cluster determining output, the shape of the cluster could play it's own role.
    Essentially, the shape of the weapon could determine the form of the output.
    So by using the right general formations of blocks, you could get lasers to work in Beam, Pulse or Scatter forms or configure missile clusters to output as Barrage, Torpedo or Multi-missile (missile that launches more missiles).
    Some example output formations could be:
    Torpedo: Long, straight circular/square formations. Same for beam.
    Very long thin shapes would be barrage and pulse.
    Multi-missile would be tapered towards the front, while scatter, tapered towards the back.

    The general idea is to allow for additional functionality and customisation, without adding any new blocks or increasing the learning curve for new users.

    I'm sure that using shapes and propotions to modify functionality could be applied to other areas, but I'd like to keep this simple. So how about it?
    Jun 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    It would be cool if there was a mass accelerator like weapon to fire objects from a hollow cannon at high speeds to deal pretty high damage, but it would take lots of energy and it would have a slow rate of fire.

    It would be a bit like in Mass Effect, but without the element zero thing
    Jun 25, 2013
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    lollermaz or a MAC magnetic Accelerator cannon (which is an actual real life weapon which was made more populare with it being introduced into the Halo universe) Its a hollow tube, filled with electrical magnets that activate in a wave like motion, it can fire any magnetic object at incredible speeds, from metel shavings to... well... anything if you have a big enouph tube... which now that I think about it.. would be pretty funny to fire a ship out of one...