Updated now Shields are broken

    Oct 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Checked the stickies and couldn't find anything for this.

    I just updated my game to the latest version. and shields no longer work for me at all. The shield bar appears in the hud but pirate ship fire just rips through to the hull without touching them. there is not shield animation either its like there not there.

    Have tried building a new ship and even going to a station and plonking down some shield blocks to give that a shield, nothing.

    I've deleted my old .exe file and re-downloaded it. That didn't help either.

    Any advice?
    Oct 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Master Builder Bronze
    • Thinking Positive
    Are you using the pre-build or not?

    If not, how many shield blocks did you use? because sometimes the animation does not show for me when my shields are downed in one hit.
    Oct 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'m using the \"Regular\" download for windows.

    v0.094 build Number 20131003_180721 according to the launcher

    When I test shields by shooting at my ship the little red damage counter comes up right away so I don\'t think there is any shield effect at all.

    Also i found a pirate ship crash landed on a planet i got in and flew it around for a bit and another pirate came and made mincemeat out of me. so looks like even the pre-build ships in the game don\'t have working shields anymore.

    I don\'t remember seeing any shields coming up when i was attacking the pirates either.

    even my big ship that had really good shields before was destroyed in seconds.