Update Default Starting Blocks


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Just a thought, but when joining any half way established server, a new player is going to be faced with the reality that everything near spawn is going to be claimed space, and there is no guarantee that any of those factions will be accepting of "I've been here all of 3 seconds" quality recruits.

    So, how about updating the default starting blocks to include a jump drive computer and a couple of modules so that people can build a jump ship right away to get to open space with?

    I mean, sure, they could buy said jump blocks with their starting credits, but if its virtually required to have a jump drive just to get to somewhere you can start playing the game, why not hand them out as default?
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    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    I tend to agree. However, I would also like the game to have some sort of mechanic to allow players to respawn in a random one of multiple possible locations. Even if that is not active by default, I think it could be a valuable addition to the game that some might enjoy. I'm talking about my age-old idea of having one of four starting spawn areas in a galaxy, one of which becomes your "home". But other players might spawn on the other side of the galaxy.

    Lately, I've been questioning the idea of many multiple galaxies anyway. This game boasts, as Carl Sagan would say, "Billions and Billions" of galaxies. (well, 4 quadrillion, if memory serves.) The problem, as Yahtzee so eloquently described it, is that there isn't a lot of compelling gameplay for all that computer-generated content. So I'd like fewer, larger galaxies. So you'd still have an opportunity to move a few galaxies over, but you could focus the game's resources on more reasonably-approachable areas. The other 3.9 quadrillion galaxies would only have had more of the same anyway, and nobody would ever see it. (Yes, I know it will not even be generated until someone goes there.)
    Jan 14, 2014
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    It also may have its merits to include an extra core block...