Unofficial noob question thread

    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I didn't see one of these so sorry if it already exists: a thread for noob questions so we newbs dont spam chat or create a thousand threads for easy-to-answer questions.

    1 Pirates and other cool stuff I haven't found: so far I have yet to find anything of real note. Empty stations and roids. Is there a better way to explore then randomly head in a direction and pray?

    2 Coords: I'm not quite sure I have this down. So they are sort of XYZ for sectors, right? How do I figure out which sector I'm currently in? If I found something cool in 4, 2, 14 and then float off will those cool things remain in that same location?

    3 Salvage laser: So is the general concept make a big arse laser and then go poke asteroids? I've found punching to be quicker if less awesome.

    4 roid loot: Worth it? I haven't gotten any ore fancier then an L2 so i've found station glass better for salvage.
    Apr 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    1 Pirates and other cool stuff I haven\'t found: so far I have yet to find anything of real note. Empty stations and roids. Is there a better way to explore then randomly head in a direction and pray?

    Not really... That\'s how it works when exploring, pretty much. You just go out and explore into the unknown. If you\'re looking for pirate stations, you can also get lucky perhaps, and get a popup message in the upper-right hand corner of your screen saying \"Pirate Station (x, y, z) - Hostile activity detected in (your sector), sending raiding party...\" Pay attention to that popup message, because those XYZ coordinates provided will tell you where the nearest pirate base is.

    2 Coords: I\'m not quite sure I have this down. So they are sort of XYZ for sectors, right? How do I figure out which sector I\'m currently in? If I found something cool in 4, 2, 14 and then float off will those cool things remain in that same location?

    Yep! They\'re XYZ for sectors. You can tell which sector you\'re in by looking at the top-center GUI of your screen; it\'ll have your current sector coordinates in it.

    Don\'t worry, anything you find will stay where it is even after you leave. So you\'re free to explore without worry that it will be gone :)

    Oh, that\'s provided of course you\'re playing on singleplayer. If you\'re exploring on a multiplayer server, other players might come along and ruin your discovered surprise when you\'re absent.

    3 Salvage laser: So is the general concept make a big arse laser and then go poke asteroids? I\'ve found punching to be quicker if less awesome.

    That\'s pretty much the concept... Though, instead of making one giant laser, you should make multiple moderate-sized ones (my personal favorite is long lines of salvage cannons arranged forward-facing in a checkerboard fashion to essentially create a force like a vacuum cleaner) to get the best return of resources. If it takes you less time to simply harvest the resources by hand, you\'re probably not setting up the salvage cannons properly.

    4 roid loot: Worth it? I haven\'t gotten any ore fancier then an L2 so i\'ve found station glass better for salvage.

    Asteroid loot can be worth it at times, but in general it\'s not going to get you much. Salvaging space stations is the better way to go. Oh, and raiding Pirate stations is the best: You can get TONS of valuable stuff from them, including lots of level 5 ores. Though, that overdone level of loot in pirate stations will probably change in the future.