Tuturial to build fabr. and so / suche Anleitung für Fabrikbau und mehr

    Jul 22, 2019
    Reaction score
    I look for a tuturial there explay me that block with that block on that way to kombinate to a fabr. as sample.
    I dont fount a point to point tuturial , only very old

    Gibt es wo eine genaue Anleitung zb. für den genauen Block zu block Anleitung zb. welche blocks mit welchen kombiniert werden um eine Fabrik zu bauen?
    Und wenn dann nur ganz alte die nun überholt sind.
    Jun 19, 2015
    Reaction score
    of the top of my head it goes a little like this

    adv, standard, basic factory has a small inventory on its own so that is all you need and power


    You can link a factory to a storage unit to supply and pull products out of the factory
    and you can link a factory enhancer to increase the amount you produce per tick, but then you need to add some extra storage directly to the factory block.

    so in case of an advance factor it CAN look a little like this

    adv. factory < output storage container > storage module
    | > input storage container > storage module
    | > factory enchancer
    | > direct attach storage module
    Jul 22, 2019
    Reaction score
    I mean a real tuturial, were step 4 step are written is with (mark yx Block push/press C then push V on storageblock).
    I miss that as YT Video tut and in the SM Wiki, so that can understand a boon.

    In our wiki are so really rare user there help to fill or translate it in other language.

    In some german "national game serious newspaper" is to read, that the newbie support are bad from SM or community.
    They mean, a newbie can hope a friendly gamer help at the first game step's.
    i think that's 4 our community realy sad.

    So i hope some 4 from us are thinking over that and fill our wiki with contends that are helpfully 4 new gamer.
    Jun 19, 2015
    Reaction score
    ah, yeah i see what you mean, sadly the documentation is old and not properly maintained.
    As for community, that was shattered years ago in some sweeping game changing that many did not like.

    ach ja ich verstehe was du meinst, leider ist die dokumentation alt und nicht richtig gepflegt.
    Was die Community betrifft, so hat sich das vor Jahren in einem umfassenden Spielewandel erschüttert, den viele nicht mochten.