Turret Suggestions/Bugs As Well

    Jun 15, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Okay, so lets get to the nitty gritty, Being tasked as the turret engineer has had some issues not jsut for the workers of building turrets but also for other faction members unlucky enough to be in the way. so here are my suggestions, I know this is Alpha still, but think of these as possibilities for future updates.

    -Its the future, AI would beable to recognize Freindly IFF/RFF Readouts and be able to stop firing instantly before hitting a "Green Diamonded/None-Red" Ship also, -Bug part Turrets open fire on the owners or other members when utilizing a new vehichle even if they Faction Block it first, they get in, they get out, then they die,

    -A lot of us dock workers and techs would love more options for the turrets, like typing in a list of names into targeting systems to open fire on sight of, or programming syn interfaces, possibly even add a dome posistioning block for a full cone cover FOV.

    -next my personal wish, I would like to suggest that Turrets AI controls have a motherboard switch, IE-The Ship you are on has 12 individual turrets, oh nos, a bug, they are shooting your buddies, hit the primary shutdown or a "AI Primary mainframe" block.

    Again i know this is alpha phase, these are just suggestions for the future from others and yours truly. thanks
    May 15, 2013
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    I too would like to see a method of controlling the AI systems, like toggle between shoot-my-target, offline, auto-aquire, anti-missile, etc...

    A single block turret mainframe for the weapon\'s menu sounds like a pretty good idea imho. One could simply bind this to one of the weapon slots to toggle between modes.

    Another idea would be to have a sort of visual display of the turrets, and being able to interact with it for configuring them all seperately. I realize it sounds like it would take a ton of work, and it likely will, but having a holo display that allows the user to left click on it sort of like the terminals in doom 3 to rotate a 3D visual of the ship (Inside culled as much as possible of course) to allow people to click on the turrets to set their modes. Imagine having a giant, super immersive, interactive holo display on your ship\'s bridge to control different parts of it :3

    Not sure how I feel about a turret with a full dome of vision. It sounds like it could bring both good and bad things to the table. The best way imho of making that work would be a second type of turret dock, which specifically allows this. The one issue with it would be that you would need to find a reason for people to not always pick it, like for example making weapons aboard the turret on it slightly weaker, as if they had to be lightened a bit to allow the motors to rotate easier or something, perhaps also take more power. Otherwise there would be no reason to use normal turrets, as they would be inferior.
    Jun 15, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Yes, A secondary Docking System would be good instead of replacing the current. Honestly i could live with just the smart targeting system rework, so that it works more liek a AI instead of a VI, and yes that is a good idea, worked well in Doom3, and could be implemented, granted thats a lot of code xD

    Another fun suggestion is internal stage offs, -IE your turrets are slowing you down and your losing the fight, Egress them and get out of dodge.

    Programming Mine Layers would be cool as well,
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Given that turrets are ships, how about the ability to mark regions of the sky (say, from the perspective of the turret \"pilot\" in flight mode) as the limits of movement? I like this rather than no-collide to prevent turrets from shooting their mother ship/station....
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    If you dock one object to another, you\'re riding piggyback on the object \"hosting\" the docking module. Should the \"hosting\" object therefore be able to access and control anything docked to it, and anything docked to that, etc? A hierarchical approach to linking command-and-control access would allow you to have such things as a fleet that contributes their firepower to a bigger ship by docking with it, thus allowing the bigger ship to control turrets on it\'s docked ships. Or have big turrets composed of multiple smaller turrets.... 8-P```