Turret Shield Nova


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Right now Pulse as a Master slot weapon is pretty limited in what it can do, simply because it is so rare to have an enemy ship get that close to you, but it got me thinking. What is routinely close enough to you to be affected by a pulse blast?

    Answer, your turrets.

    Could we make it to where slaving a Pulse array to a Shield Supply beam array turns the Shield transfer into a pulse that hits our turrets?

    As is, turrets are very much a "stick them on and never think of them again until you have to replace one" kind of thing. If we don't want them to share the shields of the mother ship (which I agree would make turrets indestructible and negate the advantages to simply turning all of your weapons into AI controlled nukes), how about making it a little more interactive to where we have to keep an eye on them and support them from time to time?

    Put the shield strength of each turret on the HUD, and when you see the shields on one getting low and it's own shield regen isn't keeping up, you can stop firing your main guns and do a shield pulse to top them all back off (at the expense of your own main shields). Make ship defense a little more active, give us more to do on big capitol ships than sit there waiting 6 months to turn enough to bring the main planet killing weapons to bare while the turrets do all the hard work automatically.
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    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Please no. Go play Star-Conflict :p
    Turrets in Star-Made pretty much die once they get the enemy focus.

    I personally like the Shellcore-Command style where all weapons fire automatically at nearest enemy and you micro-manage your ship+environment and which weapons are active (the ones better vs shields or hull, small or big targets, ...).

    Perhaps use your GUI to select focus targets.