Turret docking bug

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Trying to play around with turrets for the first time in creative mode.

    After loading in a ship from admin, when I also try to load in a turret from admin and dock, the turret teleports about 1km forward and is no longer an entity. I'm fairly certain the turret is actually docked to the ship, but I can't access it.

    Not sure if this is related to mass enhancers not being sufficient? It only happens on the y-axis joint. Docking the x-axis to the ship does fine. Something about pulling from the catalogue completely ruins the ability for me to dock the 2nd elbow to the turret.

    Anyone seen this before?
    Dec 14, 2014
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    About an hour ago I was docking 4 turrets to a station. The first few went smoothly the 3rd I think was possessed.
    It usually ends up spawning anything I spawn a distance away. In most cases I just jump in it give a bit of power and thrust and fly to destination and dock then remove the power and thrust. As I said all was fine till number 3. Number 3 I got in put the power and thrust on and went to go. It would accelerate to about 3 and then it would act like a bucking bronc trying to break free. I can say that from personal experience yes I have ridden and bulls as well. So Each time I let of forward thrust it would calm down. Sometimes it would spin around one way other time another some times it would act like it was trying to go back to spawn... Seriously nuts.

    So I learned a while back the best solution to this is make a temp ship for picking them up. Take a core put a line of power behind it add thrust on both side and put a set of rails on the top center. You can fly up to them and contact dock and then fly back to where you want to dock to.
    Push the up arrow and you are in the turret you want to dock. Undock and you will have to wait the 5 seconds to dock to the intended location.

    But yes with out a doubt turrets do some crazy stuff lately.