Turret computer, and docking computer blocks. Also, signs.

    Jun 29, 2013
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    The idea here is to add two new computer blocks to the game.

    Turret computer.

    The turret computer, like a weapons computer or cloaking system, can be set to the hotbar. When used this way from the ship core, it toggles the AI of all linked turrets on or off. Turret docking points must be linked to a turret computer for them to be affected, similarly to cannons with a weapons computer. A single turret docking station may only be linked to one computer, but one computer can be linked to multiple turret docking stations.

    By itself, it is quite useful in that it lets you activate and deactivate your turrets without exiting the core, and turning them off when entering an iffy area (like a shop). Particularly if you are in a consider-neutrals-hostile faction or otherwise run into issues with turrets attacking things you don't want them to. You would still have to set the AI settings beforehand (i.e. set it to "turret" and "my target/any ship"). The turret computer would merely turn all turrets AI either on or off.

    If you get into the turret computer itself, rather then getting into the ship core, an additional function is available. Using the left and right arrow keys, you can switch between the AI units of each turret, manually controlling whichever one you are in from the core of that turret (if the turret's ship core is destroyed, your view reverts back to the main computer).

    Put another way, this allows you to build a ship that can really be crewed by multiple people. For instance, you could have 4 turret computers, each of which is linked to two turrets, one on top and one on the bottom of the ship. You can then have 4 other players in them, and each will have a pretty large field of fire (since you smartly gave them the option to switch between a top turret and a bottom turret in case the enemy flies to the other side).

    Ideally, AI should automatically re-activate when you leave it, but this can be implimented later as a convenience feature. Until then, just quickly turning off and on the turret computer from the main ship core will turn them back on.

    Docking Computer.

    Similar to the above, but for normal docking points rather then ship ones. Activating it undocks linked ships and activates their AI, linking the computer to that ship. Turning it off turns off the AI. When AI gets improved eventually, it can be made so that turning it off makes the AI attempt to re-dock first. They can also set it so that the AI doesn't go further then a certain distance from the ship.

    Getting inside the computer lets you manually control docked ships as a remote-controlled drone via switching with the left and right arrows as before. Moving too far (lets say 2000m or so) will result in the ship being de-linked from the computer. Until AI versatility is improved, this can be used to re-dock fighters with less hassle after a fight.

    Naturally, I do not suggest in any way that AI be made particularly much better in terms of actual combat ability, just versatility and how "smart" they are/how much their behavior can be modified by a player. They should remain scattershots to encourage players to work together in a single ship (as players are NOT scatter shots, or at least try not to be). And to give newer players a chance at fighting NPC pirates that would decimate them if their waves of 3 light cruisers all had magical aimbots.

    And these two computer types would GREATLY increase the ease of getting players to fight together on a single ship, since they don't have to float around outside to try and get into a different turret. Instead, they just exit the computer back into their controlled-gravity, air conditioned bridge, and move to a different computer to use a different set of turrets (or to switch to the drone control, or take control of a weapons computer, or something of the like).

    Signs. Signs are for labeling stuff, essentially. You can place them in a ship somewhere, such as above a computer. They store a small amount of text, which is displayed upon them. Basically think minecraft signs.

    On that note actually,

    Ladders. This is no big rush or anything, but it would be nice to have ladders by the time we get near the end of beta. So we can more easily climb back onto ships we landed on planets without tearing our way through the hull. And for an alternate means of going up and down in a large ship aside from those plexlifters. And while I'm at it, maybe some lights that aren't cubes, but more akin to minecraft torches in that you can just walk through them (similar to how grass and flowers are).

    Jul 8, 2013
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    I really want this, because flying around a huge ship with lots of turrets is not fun....
    May 25, 2013
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    Those are likely to be implemented actually , Schema said things about AI and block linking features to come.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    The game really need a eazy way to activate turrets from ur main ship. Its soooooooo boring to go out of ur ship and activate 33 turrets. It had been cool if 1 button activated all the turrets that was docked on the ship!! And if u could set the turret settings once and it would be enabled on all the turrets! Sorry if i had bad english (its not my main language)
    Sep 1, 2013
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    i like the abilaty to turn off and on turrets thare a big problemb for me i dont use them becuse i always and near peaple who are in other fractons and i dont want to fight at the time i think this is a good idea

    the signs is a good idea but unlike minecraft a wood sign is not fitting for space mabby a \"holo mesage\" that is more or less a sign but it has a blue backround is semi se truable and if walked tru desterst and gets blury and i can see this being a later on thing so i dont epect it soon if it duse hapen

    but more ai settings needed (ram mode , or when disarmed ram this way you can trow a disintagrater on it as a no other opton last resort for your ships.
    Aug 8, 2013
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    Nice ideas man. I think they\'re really simple but I\'d like to add some details and discuss some ideas.

    Turret computer.
    I love the idea to control AI options from a remote computer, but I don\'t see the need to have it on the hot-bar, and I\'ll explain why. I think a more interesting option would be to have a window poping up with a radar like screen, something like the little map we have in the top right corner, but bigger and in 3D. In this radar screen you can have all the entities around the ship displayed, with colors, and a side panel to control each turret (linked to that computer). On that side panel, you have a list with all the turrets\' names and a drop-down menu to set the AI targeting options, and a button to turn it on and off.
    (this radar screen could replace the AI tab in the main menu!)

    If the AI is set to \"Selected target\", you can use the radar to select targets. Only the targets select in the radar will matter, and not the targets selected by the ship\'s pilot. If in this \"selected target\" mode, the turret\'s will not fire if there\'s no one selecting targets in the radar.
    If a crew member don\'t want to use the Turret Computer/Radar Screen, he can still use the turret normally, but he\'ll need to walk to the Turrets core, and use it like now, and that turret will turn itself automatically off, and will stay like that while the player is in the core.
    I don\'t like the option to move yourself from turret core to turret core, because if someone is piloting the turret, he or she should die if the turret core is destroyed, and that option will negate this.

    Docking computer.
    Using a docking computer to control docked ship is great. Options to remote undock a ship is amazing. With the new faction docking system, you can remotely undock a pod or ship for a friend near you in space, and the ship will automatically loose faction.

    I love the remote control idea, but, and this is a big but, can not be implemented, unless very limited. Can you imagine someone remote controlling a ship, and not dieing after the core being destroyed? This could lead to many problems.
    If schema adds drones to the game, and this have some kind of limitations in size and etc.. I would love to see some remote controlling like you explained.


    Why signs? This is a scifi game. Why not displays, with some kind of OS system? You can turn a \"wallpaper\" on if you want to label something.


    Again, why ladders? Why not some kind of PlexEscalator, that let you activate when near it (like plexdoor) and will create a 45º from that position to the land or structure under it. I can see some amazing things with this.
    Apr 19, 2013
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    I second the Turret and Docking computers, Signs and Ladders.

    Seriously, we need this stuff. But I think what we really need right now is to be able to precisely set the turret docking/normal docking zone and most importantly, the direction which will be the turret/ship\'s default facing.

    However I recall schema saying that there\'s problem with the engine handling it and is currently busy working around it. But I\'d like to get our glorious God and undisputed leader of this game, Schema, to confirm this.
    Sep 20, 2013
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    OMG YES SIGNS!!!!!! Signs would be so useful as sometimes I nearly get lost in the tunnels of my big ships and a sign would very nice help. Also labeling plex contianers. As for the other ideas, WOW. They are truly excellent ideas and should Definately be added into the game. +1 for support
    Apr 19, 2013
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    Lets keep in mind that these are merely suggestions and I doubt schema would like us thinking that we know better than him what to put into his game and when.

    Yes we may feel like something needs to be added, they should remain as suggestions. Schema works in a mysterious way.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    A sign system would be desired if we want any kind of organisation on our ships... I keep on getting confused between my own medibay and my operations room, which is odd, since I built the ship myself. Signs would prevent someone who seems to have short term alzheimers/amnesia like myself get confused on my own ship.

    (seriously, I forget my way around my own designs very easily, I need to stop using maze generators as bases for the interior design of my ships)
    Apr 19, 2013
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    Maze generator?

    Good heavens, you have your own imagination and wits to build functional interiors. Think what a real spaceship would need, crew quarters, command bridge, reactor room, where corridors would be most needed to reach from point A to point B fast and so forth