
    Aug 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    TrookTec_Industries proudly presents:


    My first real ship - Made some very ugly ones b4, only built of all important components without any hull or such stuff =S

    So this one is my first special babe. Did my best to make it looking good from in- and outside. Took a while to complete it, but i am happy with it now!

    ...ok, it isn't perfect, but it has been a very funny and intense project
    Aug 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I wish I made more stuff like this, but I mostly play hardcore PvP and it makes no sense to do something bigger than cruiser. Chances are though if you see an awesome looking frigate out there I designed it and lost it because apparantly my faction blocks never work and neither does spawn protection. :(

    Back to what your ship though! XD Its unique and I appreciate that, Don\'t get a whole lot of unique ships such as this one, most are based off of Halo, Star Wars, and other space things. (Not to put those ships down, some are really great!).

    Seriously though, I\'ve lost so many awesome ships..... soooo manyy...
    Aug 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Hehehe, yeah i also worried about how not to loose such ships. Ok, in singleplayer it is np, but in MP... pewpew... maybe if there would be a register in the nav for all your owned ships or something.

    I guess my next ship wont be that big^^ It is a whole lot of work if you concentrate on every single detail. Maybe it would be better to build stations instead... but still the same \"get lost\" problem :/

    Schema, please make a better nav system with fix-saved user created waypoints or such stuff =S

    *edit: oh and thx alot ofc! It isn\'t that easy to design and build a ship (with a great interrior and still quite good functionality) from scratch. I will try to make it better with my next ship... bit smaller and less clumsy :D
    Aug 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'m also not sure this classifies as a frigate, its mutch to long/big to be a frigate. I think it falls under a cruiser category. (Atleast when I judge sizes) I usually consider a frigate to be 75m to 125m (at longest axis), and a cruiser 125m to 200m (at longest axis), And just a rough estimate, its about 180m long? (each block is a meter)
    Aug 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Pliers, yeah :D hihi

    As i had the first picture of it in my mind it looked much more curved and rounded =S