

    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Do you know StarGate Ringtransporter?

    We already can teleport from core to core, but you never know which core is the next one.

    Build blocks don't let you get to another core, but are a target. Also it disables AI.

    A dedicated (1/2 to 2/3 sector)-ranged transporter system could be fun itself, make building (or have fun with) a large ship or base easier (you can skip some tunnels) and work from planets to orbiting titans too.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    This is a sci-fi right? We need teleporters. I think the range should be to adjacent sectors, and that it should be that you can only teleport to a ship or base that belongs to the same faction as the teleporter... or this could eventually be the boarding mechanic all those \"more guns\" people have been waiting for, but for now I think just a way to go from ship to ship without floating through space is brilliant, and probably easy to implement. One other thing: I think that people teleporting should automatically use the gravity of whatever they teleported to, regardless of weather there is a gravity unit onboard (like an inbuilt grav unit)
    Sep 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    This is a horrible but good idea.

    Teleporters should have to be linked. A planet and ship are factioned one person on each end opens a discoverable option when they see eachother it gives both the offer to connect. When(if) they both accept they will be linked.

    POWER. This must have somesort of huge power drain or you will have a swarm hive kinda thing. You send 20 ships with teleporter caps, 1 makes it. You link and then tons of people will come pouring through and adding onto the ship that made it through and fighting the defences that will be trying to destroy the teleporter.

    Chains. This would easily be abused to make chain transports. You could have one person salvaging by base then they will just use the awesome new inventory plex thing and deposite everything in a chest and go back to minning. This will let someone on the ship take the stuff out and use a Chain to take it back to base which would encourage abunch of ships everywhere which causes LAG.

    Patrols. This would make it easy to find and destroy an enemy who is in your station making unfair for the enemy.

    Feel free to add onto me.
    Sep 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    I like the gravity idea but I think that instead of it being strickly faction only (I take the faction part back above) that you should be able to \"hack\" oppising ships systems and shut them down and link your ships teles to theirs so that you could disable their sheilds and shoot their core. Or you could disable their power and drain their ships energy. Or disable their engines and catch up and destroy them. Or disable their weapons and get in close and kill them. Or think of your own thing.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    This idea was primarily for:

    • replace (bugged) elevators
    • not have to dock (or make a plex shuttle) and get ressources into your base faster (without unsorted faction-only shop).

    Any ideas how they could link, except \"weapon-cpu