Transferring a docked entity to another entity (edited title)

    Jun 24, 2013
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    I've submitted a bug (T950) but I figured I'd post here to let people know.

    When un-docking using logic activation block connected to a rail, the mag-docking is (I assume) redocking the entity causing the logic activated rail un-docking mechanism to appear broken.

    [DOUBLEPOST=1449321545,1449321011][/DOUBLEPOST]May have jumped the gun. It appears as though moving entities do not get un-docked using rail activation...
    [DOUBLEPOST=1449322913][/DOUBLEPOST]I've been playing with transferring entities from one ship to another via rails.

    It appears as though mag docking is triggered on collision, so in order to transfer from one ship/station to another you need to extend the rail beyond the point where the connection entity is transferred to get a successful transfer.

    Basically, this:

    What this means though is that straight rail to rail transfer is not possible(?) at this time since you need that collision event.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1449323406][/DOUBLEPOST]And this doesn't seem to be 100%. I would still need to have a push beam push the entity into the other rail unfortunately to make sure contact is made.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1449324332][/DOUBLEPOST]The "fix" for this would probably be allowing the magnetic docking happen on a logic activation? But that would mean allowing a docked entity know when it's been undocked so that it would trigger a dock pulse on another rail docker.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1449324913][/DOUBLEPOST]This docking "collision" is also causing the collided entity to move (ever so slightly based on mass), which may be contributing to the problem.
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