Trading and Banking Block

    Jan 14, 2016
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    • Legacy Citizen 8
    I have been following a suggestion regarding shop blocks on ships. I cannot say I follow this idea and have suggested within that thread of a Trading Block. As I didn't want this idea to be lost, I thought that I would post a separate suggestion.

    Now a "trading" block could be carried on a ship, placed on a planet or a station. Players could access their trading hub inventories remotely and offer other players items for sale. These purchases could be then transported via a cargo ship to the recipients hub or even personal inventory or ships cargo space. The block could also access the players own inventory and personal cargo for instant transfer if the two players are in the same sector.

    This block could also facilitate the transfer of credits from one player to another instead of simply throwing them at their feet. Maybe even being able to set up regular payments for services rendered, such as providing defensive ships for mining fleets, escorts for cargo fleets and so on. It could be along the lines of "pay x Credits to y every z faction turns".

    These blocks could form a kind of ATM and be found at stations. Players could even deposit money into a personal account so they were not carrying them about their person all the time.