Torches and Shields

    Apr 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    I know that the main function of a torch is to cut into blocks while a shield is still up.

    However when shields are down a torch is now the worse choice for breaking blocks and your time is better spent shooting the blocks.

    My suggestion, give a major boost to torches cutting into unshielded blocks.
    It would only make sense that something strong enough to cut past shields would do so better without them.
    That and something close range should break blocks better than long range.


    Befriender of Worlds
    Dec 23, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    Agreed. The fact of the matter is, on an unshielded ship I can break in using the basic hand laser faster and at a longer range than using the torch.

    IMHO the torch should have lat least the same DPS as the laser, only A) it bypasses shields, and B) when attacking armor blocks it applies all damage to the block rather than having a percentage absorbed by armor. This functionality may seem OP but is balanced by having an effective range of essentially 1 meter.

    Also no build mode if your ship is being torched! That way you can't keep blocking intruders by building in front of them. If you want to repel boarders, either set up astronaut-targeting turrets in the ship interior or get off your ass and fight them yourself.