Tiering, AI, character, and Station Equipment suggestions.

    Aug 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello, i figured id make a few suggestions on things that aught to be added. These are just my opinion though so feel free to comment.


    Speed variable

    yeah i know everone is fighting over should speed be per ship, here is my 2 cents.

    • Set a max speed unboosted and a boosted max speed
    • two different types of thrusters, forward and impulse

      forward thrusts would be boosters or big rockets propelling you forward but be very difficult to turn, and similar to a cloaking device energy expensive
    • impulse would function as it is but have your mass effect your speed up to max, not just acceleration but also your max speed

    Id like to see the massive ships a sbig as a planet being unable to hit max speed no matter how many thrusters they have but the trade off would be that the boosters could get them going .

    missle types:- yeah pulling from eve a bit but they are needed with them massive monsters.

    • emp missles that are more effective against shields but dont damage blocks much
    • explosive would be like they are now but less effective against shields
    • and a gravty type that will slow or stop but not dmg your enemy at all.

    lasers - yeah the beam type not the pew pew type

    • useful energy drain if 50 blocks cant even tickle a massive ship then its pointless. and add a decay tot he effect so that when you stop they dont just instantly regen all the energy.
    • tranfer should be a link not a beam. link it to a ship and its effect works so long as its in radius but you dont have to just be using that

    turrets - yup they need this, allow them to use other things other then pew pews.

    • energy drain
    • missles
    • and salvaging

    each of these should have a teired system so as to have upgradered versions of the blocks these higher tiered versions could have hard caps or limits but would basicly allow for effective smaller ships.

    stations - as it stands stations are just turtle property or useless, right now its you have one home that hackers aside cant be destroyed and then you can claim others that can just be sniped. meaning no one fights or trys to expand because you cant hurt them and you cant expand...

    equipment - id like to see many more station only blocks, we have ship only blocks so lets have station only blocks.

    • power unit perhaps its just a power charger but in a specfic shape i donno but for stationary objects so bigger output
    • shields - the kind of shields that cant be pew pewed down instantly but any massive planet sized ship but that require a siege of some time to take out
    • special ai drones - basicly they are ships youd build and dock and set to guard they will guard the station if its attacked or an enemy is detected they will undock and go fight if the enemy flees or is destroyed say further then 1 system away then the drones return and redock. (not possible witht he current sectors unloading system but still would be neat.)

    AI - good time to talk about this, id like to see a hand ful of other featurs and settings.

    • call back feature to undocked ais to return and dock again if they can.
    • allow the ai to use cloak and jamming its costly and if they can use it it has the same limits it does for us meaning they will be plenty easy to deal with.
    • guardian - will guard what ever it is docked to responding when it is attacked by undocking anfd attacking but redocks automaticly when the ship is destroyed or more then 2 sectors fromt he main ship. perhaps it orbits the mother ship and shoots at the enemy rather then flying after the enemy
    • attack drones - once released they will persue the target untill they are destroyed or called back
    • drones that will use other items rather then just pew pews
    • kamakazi drones, a feature to make then just try to run into you enemys useless unless they are straped with bombs.

    sensors - Yep more eve... so we should have sensors the more you have the further you can sence i know lag cause your rendering more systems but just allow the server owner to set a limit on their end further more allow jamming and claok to be 1-1 ratios meaning if you run 10 jammers you can hide from 10 scanners be it 10 different ships or 10 scanner blocks.

    chracterler me just say never should a character be able to by pass block protection but

    • hacking device - can open doors chests and factorys if the power of the station is low enough
    • sabatage - the ability to disable blocks not destroy them much like the overheating of ships you would diable a block and render it useless for x time making it so you can do other things.
    • armor - basicly only useful against hand held items
    • mines - dmg enough to kill the player but not so much the blocks around
    • perhaps a stronger melee wep

    finally id like to say that the build block should have a toggle for the size adjustment availible to server owners ie allow_bigger_then_1x1x1 = true; which could be used to disallow the large 10x10x10 people use to mine up planets and stations.