Thrusters (tags: directional, damage, recoil)


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Reading this: General Discussion -> AMC-recoil, I've got a new idea about our propulsion systems..

    Currently, the engines work on a schema-quantum-level and can move your ship without requiring to move another mass (like rocket engines).


    1. Add a recoil to weapons which is compensated by substracting potential thrust in the opposite direction.
    2. Add/Enable a recoil/weapon-cpu which can be linked to any weapons, enabling compension or recoil-thrust in either +x/+y/+z/-x/-y/-z while it remains active (direction-setting based on current ship orientation).
    3. Optimize the weapons before firing for maximum recoil (don't check this option in recoil-config if you want to fire behind (vs hunters) or below (bomber-style) you).

      • damage dissipates over distance and is only calculated above some minimum
      • instant-hit
      • requires reload time < ratio in puffer-force/thrust-force < game tick to be constant.
    4. Be carefull to don't kill your landing zone with using the wrong weapons for thrust.

    Balance issues:

    • Landing zones may need extra hardened hulls or shields to be safe from your thrusters - more armor, but less hp than usual hulls.
    • Ship hunters need either projectiles with own propulsion (rockets) or more thrust to compensate the recoil.


    You could disable some thrust to move more carefully around docks, or are required to do so if you don't want to damage it.

    You could damage the ships following you by using backwards-firing weaponry.

    You could use projectiles to increase the distance between you and your enemy.

    I think it will add to the game if you have not just weapons and thrusters, but something inbetween, a choice for directional additional thrust and you are required ot build more thrust on the bottom of your ship if you use it for planetary operations.