Thrust status readout and Thruster plume preview slider


    CEO Snataris Colonial Fleetyards
    Sep 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Master Builder Bronze
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    Two independent suggestions:

    1. Make the current visible thrust percentage a readable property using the status block, so you can for example test if the thruster plume is above 50% intensity and if yes, trigger a rails mechanic to move some plates for an "afterburner" or similar - or just simply use doors to completely cover the thrusters while at 0% acceleration, and "open up" the thrusters once they are actually being used.

    2. A simple additional tool in advanced buildmode that can be toggled ON and OFF, and if ON, it will show the thruster plume at x% acceleration based on a slider, but only to the player who is inside the core and in buildmode. This way, thrusters can be more easily designed to look nice at all levels of thrust without having to fly back and forth with a camera block behind the ship's rear.