Three things that could make game more fun

    Apr 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    First and most important: Ship marker shouldn't be centered on core but on center of gravity of ship. To explain why I'm quoting my friennd post from other forum:

    That's the thing I would like to be changed. Currently the ship marker is always centered on the core, everyone knows where it is = where to shoot to dispose of it. It would be much cooler if the marker centered for example, somewhere in the centre of gravity of the ship or anywhere else, really. Just not on the core.

    Would make battles that much more interesting, because players would be forced to actually target other stuff, like visible weaponry or anything important that they are aware of (generators and stuff). And when the damage would be so severe that the core would become exposed, it would be so satisfying.

    Fokkachi on Facepunch

    Second thing: Block count indicator for the build mode. Something that would show how long, how wide and what height has our ship. Small thing but it would allow some standarasiation.

    Last thing: Ability to switch between docked turrets that would work like switching between cockpits.