The Cubatomic Fabricator

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Recently in starmade, if you press the 5 key on your numpad it will bring up the cubatomic fabrication menu

    In this menu you can:

    -Split blocks into Cubatoms

    -Refine Cubatoms

    -Fabricate blocks from Cubatoms

    This is very useful and interesting to use if you need a block on demand if you are currently out. though it has some limitations such as only being able to combine 2 cubatoms at once to get the specified block. All parts for the desired block must be fulfilled by these 2 Cubatoms

    First off is how to determine the parts of a cubatom.

    -Red dots are its state of matter. these vary from solid, liquid, gas and the 4th state of matter; Plasma.

    -The blue circle is its mass. a solid blue circle is negative mass, 1 line is light, 2 lines is medium and 3 lines is heavy mass.

    -the white shapes on the side indicate its conductivity. The shape curving around the cubatom means it has draining properties. a verticle shape on both sides means it is conductive. an arrow pointing towards it means it is super conductive. the remaining formation signifies that it has insulating properties.

    The yellow icon ontop can have 4 different meanings. For example, - means it has a 'null-spin'. | means it has a base spin. + means it has an 'anti spin' and finally, X means it has a 'super-spin'.

    These are the 4 current components in a cubatom. you can combine these to get different cubatoms in the refining tab.

    Refining: you can select 2 cubatoms and refine them to get a special cubatom or another 'natural' cubatom

    Natural cubatoms can be obtained by splitting blocks and getting 2 cubatoms from that block. there are a total of 81 natural cubatoms. there are even more unnatural or 'special' cubatoms. you may refer their real life counterparts as synthetic elements.

    Ways to refine them can be such as combining 2 negative mass elements together to get a light mass element, 2 light cubatoms to get a medium cubatom, and 2 medium cubatoms to get a heavy cubatom.

    Useful ways to find out what makes what is when you are at a shop, view an item and next to sell it displays the cubatom needed to make it above and below what 2 cubatoms it creates when split

    types of combinations:


    negative + negative = light

    -light + light = medium

    -medium + medium = heavy


    =======STATE OF MATTER=======

    Solid + Solid = Liquid

    Liquid + Liquid = Gas

    Gas + Gas = Plasma

    =======STATE OF MATTER=======


    Conductive + Conductive = Super Conductive

    Draining + Draining = Insulator

    Insulator + Insulator = Conductive



    Anti + Anti = Null

    Null + Null = Base

    Base + Base = Super Spin


    Leave your questions below and get to fabricating!
    Jun 30, 2013
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    In the end, once this system is developed enough/been around long enough, a wiki is going to be a more effective solution then bothering to learn this. Furthermore I using premade ships is still more practical than this, but that is for a different topic.

    More on-topic: Very informative and helpful with anyone trying to make heads or tails of the system. Though I would like to know the effects of cross-combining different elements such as a light and medium weighted element.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    On the topic of cross combinations, for example combining a light cubatom and a medium cubatom still yeilds a medium cubatom.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I realized that fabricating only lets you know 2 of the characteristics making it a large guessing game, not fun.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    It looks like when refining 2 cubatoms that have different properties in one category, the cubatom that you get out of it has the properties of the second cubatom.

    For instance, light + medium = medium cubatom, but medium + light = light cubatom.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    ravi125, that\'s an excellent observation. I was wondering why mass just keeps increasing, with no way to reverse. However...order of selection matters, so you can reverse the mass.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Now that I have much stronger understanding how this works, I notice that you aren\'t allowed to refine in pairs of 255, but rather 1 by 1. That would be my only issue with it right now (the initial confusion aside).
    Jul 5, 2013
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    Why can\'t you? Right clicking refine let me do multiple at once, when near shop.
    Aug 11, 2013
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    right click on refine does nothing for me and i am also very bored of clicking it 255 times for 1 stack only o_O

    Edit: Also on \"OK\" there happens nothing. there could be a dialog to enter the required steps or... just let it repeat the process as long as you hold down the left mouse button on OK.
    Aug 27, 2013
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    Not to bring up a semi-dead thread, but do we have anyone working on actual recipes? Like, not the ones you buy, but what combinations you need to make certain blocks, how to make them, and so forth.
    May 25, 2013
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    I think most block types can be obtained with enough refining from 3 random base materials (can be as simple as grass/dirt/rock) but the process can be convoluted. Given how cheap planet blocks can be , you can afford to split all of them in your crafting table - the question is , which ones should be refined to combine with others to craft general purpose ship modules (power , shields , guns , thrusters)
    Aug 2, 2013
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    I thought along those same lines, wanting recipes for the cubatom crafting but it really depends on the materials you have. It is better (and fun) to learn the puzzle of it and become proficient. That way, you could make stuff out of what is left over in the shop, or at least not have to travel far to mine one specific block type. The process is tedious to create a very large quantity of blocks (compared to factories) due to refining, making it less important that the most basic materials are used, and more important that you can make almost anything from almost anything. L1 minerals split into many of the natural cubatoms, so one idea is to get all the coarsen recipes and a factory block so some L2 of each type goes a long way.

    Right now, the process of fabrication is limited by the refining process since a click is required for each refining operation (I assume this is to limit the power of this tool). I desire to not click many times. I thought the way to avoid this may be to only split items that could be combined immediately into desirable blocks, but realized that those blocks are purposely made up of unnatural cubatoms, making the refining step unavoidable.

    If you simply put a bunch of stuff in there and refine it in different ways, you will be able to combine and fabricate from the many cubatoms that you have accumulated, but the total amount of clicks will likely be more than necessary. If you have access to a reasonable variety of basic materials, you should not usually have to click in more than 1:1 ratio for refine to total block output. This means only two basic materials are needed for the split step to make what you want. The way to do this is to start with the block you want in the fabrication menu and work backwards based on the refining rules, looking in the split menu to see what two things could possibly be split to make the cubatoms you need for refining.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    As requested, a full list of refining combos. It\'s a bit on the long side, but unfortunately I don\'t know how to make a spoiler for it, or if that\'s even possible on these forums. As ravi125 said, order counts. As far as I can see, the logic is that there are 4 tiers for each category, and each category can only change one tier in either direction. To change downwards, the second element must have a lower tier than the first, and to change up, the second element\'s tier must be greater than or equal to the first. Hopefully all this helps c:


    Negative + Negative =Light
    Negative + Light =Light
    Negative + Medium =Light
    Negative + Heavy =Light
    Light + Negative =Negative
    Light + Light =Medium
    Light + Medium =Medium
    Light + Heavy =Medium
    Medium + Negative =Light
    Medium + Light = Light
    Medium + Medium =Heavy
    Medium + Heavy =Heavy
    Heavy + Negative =Medium
    Heavy + Light =Medium
    Heavy + Medium =Medium
    Heavy + Heavy =Heavy

    State of Matter

    Solid + Solid =Liquid
    Solid + Liquid =Liquid
    Solid + Gas =Liquid
    Solid + Plasma =Liquid
    Liquid + Solid =Solid
    Liquid + Liquid =Gas
    Liquid + Gas =Gas
    Liquid + Plasma =Gas
    Gas + Solid =Liquid
    Gas + Liquid =Liquid
    Gas + Gas =Plasma
    Gas + Plasma =Plasma
    Plasma + Solid =Gas
    Plasma + Liquid =Gas
    Plasma + Gas =Gas
    Plasma + Plasma =Plasma


    Anti spin + Anti spin =Null spin
    Anti spin + Null spin =Null spin
    Anti spin + Base spin =Null spin
    Anti spin + Super spin =Null spin
    Null spin + Anti spin =Anti spin
    Null spin + Null spin =Base spin
    Null spin + Base spin =Base spin
    Null spin + Super spin =Base spin
    Base spin + Anti spin =Null spin
    Base spin + Null spin =Null spin
    Base spin + Base spin =Super spin
    Base spin + Super spin =Super spin
    Super spin + Anti spin =Base spin
    Super spin + Null spin =Base spin
    Super spin + Base spin =Base spin
    Super spin + Super spin =Super spin


    Draining + Draining =Insulator
    Draining + Insulator =Insulator
    Draining + Draining =Insulator
    Draining + Draining =Insulator
    Insulator + Draining =Draining
    Insulator + Draining =Conductive
    Insulator + Conductive =Conductive
    Insulator + Superconductive =Conductive
    Conductive + Draining =Insulator
    Conductive + Insulator =Insulator
    Conductive + Conductive =Superconductive
    Conductive + Superconductive =Superconductive
    Superconductive + Draining =Conductive
    Superconductive + Insulator =Conductive
    Superconductive + Conductive =Conductive
    Superconductive + Superconductive =Superconductive
    Aug 2, 2013
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    all the names and words are confusing and not necessary since the symbols are easier, it is simple as this:

    each of the cubatom properties has 4 levels and each level is sequential

    the highest 4th level is always unnatural (cannot be formed directly from splitting, not in outlined area), and usually required for fabrication, thus requiring refining of other cubatoms

    refining requires 2 cubatoms, the second is a modifier to the first. every property is affected. if the level of the property for the second cubatom selected is equal to or higher than the first, the property goes up in level, if it is less then it goes down in level. there is no progression past the 4th level during refining.

    fabrication requres 1 or 2 cubatoms. For 1 cubatom, it must be the same as shown in the fabricate menu. Combinations of two are a simple overlay of properties. The two selected together need to meet all requirements of the item you want to fabricate.
    Sep 7, 2013
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    I just made a stack of max level cubatoms with one L3 ore and my mass-coarseing refinery. just make a mass coarseing refinery and add in a bunch of L5 ores and bam a trillion L1 ore for tou to split and refine. right now you can only make as many different blocks as there are types of cubatoms, which means alot (lol someone do the math for me).


    Aug 11, 2013
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    Can you make anything new with the cubatom fabricator?
    Sep 1, 2013
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    For those of you who might want to see it in action, here is a very simple walkthrough:

    Get 1 Octogen L1 in the bottom row inventory. Press 5 on numpad. Select refine from the three choices on the upper right hand side. Drag Octogen into window. Notice that it will seperate into two very similar elements. Select the two elements, being very careful to select the one towards the top of the screen first. Press OK to refine these two elements into a new one. Change to Fabricate from Refine. Press the down arrow, and find \"Ship Core\", noticing that the recipe calls for exactly the part you just refined. Select the refined element in the bottom large table, and press OK. Notice that you have a new ship core in your inventory, for the cost of exactly one Octogen!

    Hope this helps if you are totally confused.
    Aug 2, 2013
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    pop some red rock in there too with the octogen L1 and you can make power and power tanks ;)