The Creation Device (creation software to make things custom)


    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This idea is simple, say you want to add a consistant and breathing, living, space game, but you have no way to keep up a near infinite amount of aliens, or plant life and fauna or flora.

    The Answer: The Creation Device.

    Similer to the video game spore, by maxis, one should be able to make his own alien creature and add it to a database to the overall game, to which then the player can either make the aliens, or add them to his generation for the sectors, or better yet, block the ones flagged for inapropriate matter.

    The process would have to be a bit different to keep the universe looking good, for example, unless you want the derp creatures of the 2nd dimension to invade your world, there should be an acceptance thing to go about it, for example: one requires the creature to have a certain amount of blocks to be compatable, and requires a select group of people to look at the creature, and add in what ever programming is needed for the creature.


    For scaling the creatures damage, one should also scale its rareness, example, a creature with the danger scale up to a full 10 will be extremely rare, because as the danger scale increases, the rareity increases as well. This is not to say that the most common would be weak, far from it in fact, as in the beginning the player should not be able to fight them off unless he can make a factory for weapons, but that is for another pos- no wait, its not, but it is for later.

    Anyways, the player can't fight them at all in the beginning of their play, and can only fight them witht heir ship, but if the dangerous creatures find their way on board, you'd better have an escape pod ready for deployment, or some weapons ready to fight, but beware, even with weapons the creatures should still be hard to kill.

    The Damage Scale

    the creatures here will be an example, say it be reptiles. Most of it will be either example and not what I think, and jokes

    Lvl one: can harm the player, same limitations as player. can not survive in open space.

    lvl two: can do serious harm to player. but can not survive in space, same limitations.

    Lvl three: Can one shot the player if the player is not cautios at all, same limitations, can not survive in space.

    LVL four: can one shot player if player is careless, can survive in space for a short amount of time, has the effect to lay eggs on players with possibility of it doing so, if it happens the ship will have a creature on board when it hatches, will not hatch in certain radius of player.

    Lvl five: same as above, but more damage, and can survive longer in space, and is faster.

    Lvl six: WILL evisorate the player if he gets to close, same as above, and can possibly have a heightend jump radius.

    Lvl seven: same as above, but can survive in space for extreme amounts of time, requires internal pressure system, can not occure naturally, must be made by gene splicing or augmentation.

    Lvl eight: can turn other players in to space zombies and can not be killed by anything other than a specific weapon depending on the type of creature.

    Lvl nine: can damage ships and even destroy them, same as before, space zombies turn in to more of the creatures lower class creatures.

    Lvl ten: Can deswtroy entire ships if they get close, and are invincible to most weapons, can not die to vacume, and can only be killed if drivin in to the sun. just think super thresher maw.

    These are all examples of the meter.

    Creating other stuff!!!

    Now just creating aliens is boring, So a plant creator would also be nice, let us make some plants, which randomley generate through out the cosmos.

    Ships I also feel seem a bit restrictive, so it may be a good idea later on to let us creat our own version of say, a ship core, like it requires certain things like how many cores do you want to be in the over all core, and what shapes will it have, basically stuff like if I want a core made of the corner blocks that hulls have, and to take more than one block, and have a reason to do so, and so on and so forth, Or say I want my machine system to look larger and more retro, or more cyber punkish, all those sences, like adding pixel tubes, using mini block-esk systems, and others.

    In overal, it would all work under the same system, think of it like building a ship but with more colors, all voxels, and pure cubic goodness, and other stuff as well. for creatures, you would animate them by moving them the same way it would work in nay animator, moving the limbs in the desired direction in desired motion, being an educational thing as well.
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    I dont support this for multiplayer

    but for SP its ok but it should be a mod