texture packs with sound?

    Aug 3, 2013
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    I was wondering, how possible is it to add sounds to textures?

    it appears plainly possible to do it based upon the one block which right now has this feature. the core makes a rumble engine big ship sound when close by. As much as I do like the fact it makes sound, I think this particular one isn't suitable for what it is. it is the ships computer and master CPU, so it should be making a similar sound instead.

    I propose to ask, how is it I could add more sounds to other blocks, and if it is, would it then be possible to then make it swappable according to texture packs used?


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    starmade/data/audio-resource contains starmades sound files. Just switch them out with a file with the same name, and the game will play that instead

    bear in mind that most the sounds in there are not used and the ones that are used are not named in a friendly, easy to use manor, so you will probably want to go through and create a list of sounds and when they are used in the game.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    cool, so it is relatively possible?

    well, here I guess is a good place as any to maybe discuss a bit of how to improve this for players.

    I'm thinking for future development, we need a little organization for starters, lets decide what should be changeable and what should not. I'm hoping that we could separate sounds into categories, similar to what we already do with the textures. in textures we can change the files to get just the core blocks, we can also change the weapons and do both separately. this would be a nice feature to add in the block editor, the ability to assign the sound files to the individual block, and adjust the parameters to this would go a long way.

    for instance, my above statement about the core block, if i could then set the sound it makes now to something more appropriate just by using a little drop down menu to select the file it plays as an ambient, that would really help. now say for example I want to have it then if damaged play an alarm chime, the sound files for this already exist, but they don't currently actually work. they could also add this in as a drop box for the specific block in the editor. the editor itself right now just needs this added.

    what I'm hoping for is someone that is knowledgeable in programing java sounds based upon what minecraft recently did with their "resource packs". and then bring this exact change over here to Star-Made. with minecraft its currently harder because we don't even have the block editor, here we do, so lets use it. I'm also guessing the devs themselves are strapped for manpower right now. so that's why I'm pleading with someone to take it up here, and try to help them out.
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