teleporting blocks, energy type hull, and more

    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    things i would think would be usefull in the game, first of all. warp/teleport things, charge them up and then they warp you, but they cost a bunch of energy. secondly, energy hull or something, make it with 4 reinforced hull and 8 shields in a factory block and then you get 1 energy shielded hull that has 500 hp and 75% damage reduction but uses 0.01 energy per damage done to it (even with shields).

    then also have better windows, the ones now are just a easy to aim at weak spot on any ship

    then mine layers, who doesent want to have a minefield at there base to blow up pirates?

    higher tech tiers, a level 2-3 of everything, and now i cant think of more

    tell me what you think of these ideas ill be happy if they get added
    Jul 16, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Well, for mine fields you could just use Dis-integrators and radar jammers.

    And with weapons, I\'d prefer a system more like TF2, where the weapons aren\'t more powerful than the last, but rather trade stats such as slower fire rate + slower reload for more damage.