Tactical View Mode (command/tactics module)

    Jul 26, 2013
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    This may have things in common with "AI enhancement" suggestions.
    Here are some examples of the general idea (except the view would have to accomodate for 3d instead of a 2d plane).

    (civ 5)

    It would be like the map, or like zooming out far. It could be triggered by zooming out far, or by a block in a station. A permission on the faction menu could be added for using tactics modules. Whole fleets of ships could be commanded to go into Defensive mode (acting like stationed turrets but with no turning stops) and told to go to a sector, told to attack other fleets of ships and specific ships/players/stations, told to dock to a station, told to be set to automatic undock when enemies in range. Incredibly expensive block(command/tactics module), perhaps?

    This would of course make faction wars much quicker. It would bring to the game an enormous added element, as important as the shops or planets themselves. An interstellar chess module. A way for the officers to feel greater about putting captains' lives at risk.
    Aug 15, 2013
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    This would be just so ludicrous unnecessary and hard to code for schema...

    I think before designing a whole strategic map lone wolf playing has to be harder and basic commando suport would have to be added....


    Aug 30, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    • Top Forum Contributor
    +1, I was thinking of a map block that would show a map and you could scroll through it. You could get radar enhancements and stuff so you could see farther
    Oct 20, 2013
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    Hum map already exist, not for tactical view / ai controling, if you really wan\'t an ai control why not just add ( in the ai menu ( not boby ai module ) ) a list of your ship with command ... go to, go mine here, go sell/buy ( possible automated trade route ? or list of repetitive action : go to -> mine here -> go sell in loop )