Switch Block and Name Block


    Creative Director
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    • Legacy Citizen 6
    So the idea is to enable a bit more freedom for things like shops, building stations etc.

    Switch Block

    The Switch Block is a block you can toggle on and off by approaching it and pressing 'R' or while in Flight Mode if assigned to 1-9. It has a display on the front either green or red indicating whether it is on or off. A simple mechanic, the beauty of it is applied when used with the 'C' and 'V' with the ability to assign blocks.

    - Assigning a plexidoor to the switch block will make it toggle on and off according to the state the switch block is in when selected. i.e. if the switch is red when closed plexidoor is assigned, then it will then open when it goes to green. If you toggle the switch to green then assign another closed plexidoor then one door will be open and one will be closed, and as you toggle the switch the two doors will toggle on and off, enabling simple airlocks.

    - Assigning another switch to the selected switch block will make that switch block toggle both switches to either on or off. Enabling you to have multiple switches that do the same thing, like two light switches controlling the same light.

    - Assigning a Light to the switch will turn it on or off. Used in tandem with plexidoors you can build a control center where a light can indicate whether a door is open or closed.

    - Assigning a Dock or Turret Module will toggle the undocking of anything connected to that dock. This would enable the ability to trigger dropping mines in groups while in Flight Mode.

    - Assigning a Weapons Computer would then trigger that computer and any others all together, and will have a cooldown equal to the largest cooldown of a computer attached. i.e. you could fire a particular array of AMCs and Missles all together and then that switch will cooldown according to say the missles, which have a longer cooldown/reload.

    - Assigning thrusters would allow triggering those thrusters separate to the normal thrusters. Unassigned thrusters would work as per normal, but thrusters assigned would fire only when the switch goes on, allowing for retro-thrusters or manuevering thrusters.

    - Switch blocks can be used by anyone.

    - Assigning a switch block to a Faction Module will restrict it to be used only by people of that faction. Enabling Faction'd stations and planets to have public areas that still have doors.

    Name Block

    The Name block is basically a sign, you can enter text and have it be displayed. But it also works with being assigned to other blocks.

    - Assigning a name block to a computer or switch will then rename that computer according to what has been inputted in the name block, allowing players to name their weapons systems for easier organisation in flight mode. Used in tandem with the switch block players could have one set as 'Drop Mines', another as 'Left Cannons' and 'Right Cannons' or whatever they'd like.

    - The front of the name block would display the message put into the name block, allowing for naming airlocks, and all parts of the ship like different crew quarters and directions.


    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    i like this for the reason that i want to name my planets


    Creative Director
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    • Legacy Citizen 6
    yeah it\'d be good to be able to rename stations you faction module as well.
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like these - I was wondering about a sceen or display block/s - I have seen simlar use in Voxelbox... would love that function for spawn points information and if we could add some dynamic variable then we could enable sensor displays... eg hull damage