Svarmdis, Artemis-Classed Herald

    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This is my first attempted at a compact carrier that also has a well established and organized interrior. This vessel is projected to be a Artemis-Classed vessel once completed. I will be posting regular updates onto this vessel's progress, this will take me a bit of time as this is also a template that I will use for a significantly larger carrier which hopefully would be titan class once completed. If you have advise or ideas that you would like to see in this construction please just leave a post.


    Defenses shall consist of a minium of two Medium(500 Mass) turrets, on the vessel's belly and above the viewing station. Along the deck will line multiple small(
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I recently finished the hangers on both sides of the ship and tested them out. Just enough room to fit my fighters in from tip to thrusters!

    Having the plex door seemed like a good idea at the time but it came with a rather odd issue now, I can\'t dock inside normally v.v Attempts to do so closes the docking beam on my fighters. I think I might need to design new fighters to work with such a enclosed area. Have others found ways to work around plex doors in such close quarters?
    Jun 19, 2013
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    I have had some issues with docking in tight spaces before while I was making one of my ships that had a shuttle bay. The best thing that I can reccommend is to either sit right on top of the area that your fighter is supposed to dock and then shoot the beam (that\'s how I always got my ship to dock the way it should), or to get rid of or move the plex doors further away from the docking area. Another option would be to re design your fighter so that the core is closer to the front of the ship, however this will also change the way it sits on the docking module.