
    Jun 29, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hello dear players, developers, and everyone else

    I would suggest few things,

    1. Ship hold & Food supplies - When you create ship you get 100 volume place [ auto 100 food supplies ] those would last some time ( Lets say 10 sectors) Then you can buy Ship Hold block from the shop [If you stack them together, they give you more place] Then you could buy food supplements from shop.

    2. Live stock - You could get / buy Livestock from planets/shops and store them in ship. You would need to ensure them with Animal food. The livestock could be harvested [ Lets say Universe Cow would give you milk, hen eggs etc.] And... You could find some spice in the planets! And together you could craft your own food, which would have its own nutrition values.

    3. Auto pilot + Speed stabilizer - This might be hard to make, but would be really nice if you could put Auto-Pilot and smoothly walk around your ship, so you dont need always stop to access storage n stuff..
    Sep 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    please never name a topic something nondescript like \"suggestion\" name your topic based on your suggestions. It\'s best to keep your suggestions relevant to each other like your first 2 suggestions. Then you could name your topic something like \"Food and Livestock\". Also Autopilot has been suggested a ton, check here for popular suggestions
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'m against livestock before we have pseudo-sentient NPCs to enslave (uh... I mean... \"employ\") to farm them.

    However, spice is life, and it must flow. I\'m not sure if I want a nutrition/hunger dealie beyond healing your astronaut health, but the opportunity to make a Dune reference is appealing. Perhaps deposits in desert worlds? Also gives opportunity for hostile creatures on planets, aka sandworms.