
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Just a couple suggestions that i feel are looking in to.

    ok, first suggestion, please change the sounds to something more pleasing to the ears, having skype up while fighting pirates is well... not fun...another, possibly having a block that could make turning less of a "chore". And a suggestion for the shops, maybe have shops that have different prices for different areas, to make you think about where your buying your things. Oh, and if you could find a use for the red rocks and the purple rock stuff? like possibly being able to grind it and make them into dyes? ummm, what else.. maybe traveling caravans that sell things that shops dont? maybe have them buy ores at a higher price too? oh, maybe making docking stations for large ships, to help with the progression with space stations, and sorry if reading this may seem like a tedious task, im almost done i swear. oh, big problem with me, make the missiles higher then d1000 less.. terrifying for allies. and lastly, making the selling and buying prices differently so that you cant just buy and sell the same items without consequence.. thank you for your time
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    well, the SD-KB missiles are meant to be a sort of \"there ain\'t \'nuff space in this sector for the two of us\" message to ships. Use SD-BB; while d1000s deal more damage (or so my tests have told me), SD-BBs are more reliable to hit things with, and make life a bit easier considering you can still dumbfire them. I don\'t know if KBs can lock onto ships in your faction, though.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    well, makes sense, but when i fire at a pirate space station, the BB\'s i think, make it halfway to the turrets and say NOPE!! and head right torwards my budies
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    makes sense... my prob, was the fact that they woud be like, one sector over and theyde get mad at me for.. you know.. being better then them
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I have a suggestion for planets, make them a little bit more scarce, and when u enter their atmosphere, you get teleported (as if you were changing dimensions in Minecraft) and your in the world, which is infinite, just about, and then you fly out of the atmosphere to get out. I know it may seem a bit to reminiscent to Minecraft, but I just thought it would be nice :P also, please add stairs, tired of the slope\'s collision, and... could you make it so that q/e doesnt have an affect while in gravity, it makes walking around in directions really annoying, other than that LOVE the game, can\'t wait for future updates!!! :D