Suggestions Document - From CemraJC Team

    Jul 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    StarMade Suggestions List ///C:\DOCUME~1\FREEPU~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.jpg

    This Article:

    Firstly, we would like to mention that this article was originally purposed to be sent directly to the game developers, but such a thing was exceedingly difficult, so we had to modify our document to fit into the format offered on this site. I, personally, would like to apologize for any information that is hard to understand, and would also like to stress that this article is chiefly composed of my team’s best ideas, and only has one purpose - to assist game development. Another Issue that you may notice is the Pictures withing the Article. They were meant to be graphical examples, but some may not upload properly. Again, because it is worth mentioning twice, please read this in the perspective of the game developer, or else some principles might not make any sense.

    Message to the developer: “If you wish to receive the full article in Microsoft Word format, please notify me via my account’s email (which you should be able to discover) or via any other means of appropriate communication.”


    My team and I understand that this game is still in very early stages of development, and is just scratching the surface of its full potential. We would also like to point out that StarMade looks to be inspired by Minecraft and although the reference to the game may be “Minecraft in space”, we do believe that StarMade is a much defined game, with much more room for expansion. Some ideas listed here are also currently being used in Minecraft and some of them may be implemented into StarMade, because they are good concepts. However, we would also like to add our weight to a caution you are already aware of. Too much similarity to Minecraft could change people’s view of the game negatively. But you have managed this aspect very well, and in some circumstances you have caused StarMade to be better than Mine craft, even though it is still in the alpha stage.

    Some of the ideas listed here you may have already received, and we apologize for any amount of time consumed reading something you already knew. We understand that time constraints largely influence what is done and when. We also know from experience that bug fixes must be done before adding new features, or else some features may not work at all.

    In this document, we have listed our suggestions in descending order of priority. Each page has a new idea, except for the really short ideas, squeezed on at the end of a page, or the really long ones, which take up more than one page. This article consists of 9 pages, 4000 words, and pictures that may assist to the message across clearer. Please take your time reading this as we put a fair amount of effort into the creative process, and I put the same effort into writing it all down. Break up the reading process into a page at a time, so you can properly absorb the information. Thank you and best of luck.

    Credits improvements:

    We have noticed a generic feature of the game that may require some special attention. The issue we speak of is a feature that accompanies the aspect of in-game AI pirates. This flaw is that fact of money is too easily obtained by pirate salvaging. Being able to obtain so much money simply with a few antimatter cannons is a slight anticlimax to the challenge of the game. We would also like to caution that increasing the cost of items may be a very simple, but ineffective way, to change this. Following are three of our best options to hopefully resolve this problem:

    1: Cost Rank

    Change the cost of items as the player gains more credits. This idea is expanded upon more on the third page (More on this at Index 2). An example of this is that the cost of items will increase by 10% for every 100,000 credits the player has. This is a simple way to increase the challenge of the game, while keeping it relatively easy for new players. This may create the effect of a rising difficulty level, thus the more you progress, the greater the increase of addictiveness.

    2: Second Hand Blocks

    Our most effective way of solving this issue is by specially marking items. An example of this is when a pirate ship is salvaged; all the items salvaged have exactly the same function, and look exactly the same, but are in fact different items. The only change is that the blocks salvaged will sell less than those that have been bought or manufactured. This remedy is a slightly more tedious one to program and integrate, but has a much better running stance. The benefits of this far outweigh the liabilities, in that money from salvaging ships is much less, but the players status remains the same, unlike the solution mentioned above.

    3: Harder Pirates

    This solution is simply upgrading the strength of the pirates, and making the loot equal to their strength. This will make the reward equal the effort. (More on this at Index 1)

    Game variables:

    ///C:\DOCUME~1\FREEPU~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image003.jpgWe all understand that you are almost fully aware of these issues, but we thought to add our weight to the presence of the following factors:

    1. Player Customization: Enhancing the look of the players will change people’s view of the game. The problems to prioritize in this subject are making the characters look realistic and having a slightly more serious looking default skin.

    1. Pirate Ship Variations: All my team agrees that pirates are a very defining feature, and that different types of pirates may greatly enhance this part of the games feature. We have compiled a list of possible changes, and the following list has opportunity for different types of pirate organizations:

    • Scout Pirate: These run in close range to Pirate Stations, and will attack passing players.
    • Standard Pirates: These pirates are the ones the game already has implemented.
    • Stealth Pirates: These are like Standard Pirates but are invisible. This may add the necessity for a new block, like an advanced radar computer. (Will temporarily reveal ships that are invisible)
    • Battleship Pirates: These Pirates are heavily armed, heavily armored, and are very difficult to defeat.
    • Pirate Lords: The ultimate Pirate ships. They will usually have scouts flying with them and are the hardest to defeat.
    • Pirate Organizations: These are different “gangs” of pirates, E.g. Freelance Pirate Lords may be easier to defeat compared to those from the “Cemra JC” Organization.

    1. Achievements: This is a common feature to many games and it may provide more opportunity for a sense of difficulty and storyline. When Achievements for features listed in this document are possible, I will mention them, as above. A very short list of achievements already possible are as follows:

    • First Ship: Place your first ship core.
    • Spacewalker: Reach outer space.
    • Shopping Spree: Buy 200 of any one item.
    • Ready, Aim, Fire! : Shoot a weapon for the first time.
    • Defense: Buy and install a Shield disperser.
    • Corpse: Die for the first time.
    • Graveyard: Die 100 times.
    • Pirates: Defeat a pirate ship and salvage its core.
    • Profit: Sell 500 of any item
    • Worker: Manufacture an item.
    • Condense: Use the Plex Recycler
    • Artist: Create or obtain all colours of paint
    • Weight: Use a gravity module
    • Lighten up: Install over 50 lights

    1. More Engines and Weapons: A good extension of the current engine and thruster feature is to also have different levels (Such as the concept already used for minerals). An example of this is that a single level 3 power source powering a single level 3 thruster functions the same as ten engines powering a row of ten thrusters.

    Changing the names and appearance of these different leveled thrusters may increase the appeal of the game. A similar concept of levels could apply to weapons. My team has also made a list of new weapons and function blocks as follows:

    • Weapons builder: This will upgrade weapons if the appropriate materials are inserted.
    • Health Shield: A special type of shield that will repair your ship when not under fire.
    • An Assembly Block: When placed, a field of space is highlighted (like the docking station in build mode) and when things are built in this highlighted space, they can be instantly removed or replaced with use of a key bound to the assembly block. This could be used for large hangar doors (Made of hull pieces instead of Plex door), or landing gear for your ship. Could also reduce a ships size in order for it to dock somewhere, but weight remains the same.
    • A tractor beam: This holds a ship in place and can move it. The bigger the ship, the more power it needs.
    • Incineration Ray: These function like a much faster version of salvage cannons, but it won’t return items to your inventory.
    • Cannon: This simply will fire items placed inside it. E.g. disintegration explosive or dirt.
    • A salvage bomb: Destroys an area and sends the exploded items back to your inventory. Also loadable into a cannon.
    • Mapping Computer: This block is an addition to the current map and will remember where you have been and store it in its memory. This may be useful to find a particular planet or other ship. This couples with map markers and the mapping system already in place.
    • Hyper jump Module: This makes your ship travel at an extremely fast speed. This may also make use of a feature that will damage your ship on impact with another object. For this you may need to plot a course using a mapping computer to avoid running into asteroids or planets. You should only be able to hyper jump to places you have been before.
    • EMP Blaster: This will render the targeted ship as temporarily dysfunctional.

    Thruster control and Energy Blocks

    As you probably are aware, there has been a long going debate about ship mass and thruster handling. We suggest that higher level thrusters be implemented, and also have the turn rate increased if turrets are turned to face out from the side of the ship. We also suggest having a higher speed limit to the game.

    ///C:\DOCUME~1\FREEPU~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image004.jpgFor a different matter, someone has recently noticed a function to the game that should be kept, due to its presence encouraging player to experiment with the game. This function is shown below:

    Player Status:

    ///C:\DOCUME~1\FREEPU~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image005.jpgThis is one of my team’s best suggestions so-far. This is the concept of having different ranks for players. What this entails is that with a higher rank, you can buy different things, have access to more in the game, and unlock various special blocks. Different ranks can be accomplished by completing more achievements, having more credits, maybe even buying a rank with credits. To mark your rank, there should be a section on the GUI at the top of the screen and an icon next to the players name (Able to be toggled). Once you earn your rank, the only way to get rid of it is by either choosing to, or by starting a new character.

    Control Interface:

    Our suggestion is to have a much more user friendly control interface. We aren’t saying that the current one is terrible; we are just mentioning that it could be improved. We are also fully aware of other people pressuring for a new control system. What we have done different to everyone else, is gone outside our usual group to find what others would think more appropriate, and we have made a list of the most common ideas:

    • Character Movement: WSAD keys, Mouse to Free look, possible momentum when moving in space, but not when in build mode, using a gravity module, or on a planet
    • Ship Movement: WSAD keys, Mouse to direct, hold right click to Free look, E key to go up, Q key to go down, hold Left click and move the mouse to rotate. Press the Z Key to rotate back to normal orientation. (Index 3)
    • Block Placement: Left click to place, Right click to remove (Reversible).
    • Block Orientation: Press Left Control to cycle through all possible block orientations. Hold Left Control and Left Shift to access the advanced building panel.
    • Build ModeLinking blocks to computers: Select the block by holding Control and Left click, then press F1, while the build mode placing icon is over the block to link.
    • Build ModeChanging orientation of already placed blocks: Hold Control + Alt and Left click on the block to cycle through orientations.
    • Weapons Binding – Bind to the keys as already set up, but don't require the weapon to be in the hot bar.
    • Use of Doors and other interactive equipment: Right click (Hold Left Shift + Right click to remove)

    Customizable interface:

    To finish this idea, it would probably be helpful to have something like what has been mentioned as the default, and also have the interface to change any of the controls at will.

    Universe Graphical Effects


    Planets are a feature of StarMade that defines it from most other games. However, there are things to be improved. My team has spared no effort in coming up with the following considerations, in order of importance.

    • Shape: A simple way of looking at planets is that they are very large asteroids. We suggest three things in terms of a planets shape, becoming realistic:

      1. Making the planets larger, and give them a spherical look. Make gravity even on all sides, and force players to build their first ship on planet with the greatest gravity, so they know how much power is needed to get out of the gravity well.
      2. Keep the planets basic shape already implemented, but make the base of the planet be ‘carved’ more instead of being dead flat.
      3. Make the planets spherical, but have them smaller and surround them by clouds of something. This will give the impression that they are bigger and therefore you need not change the size of the colored atmosphere already in place.
    • Material: To make planets seem more like the actual universe, some should be made entirely of a colored gas. These many types of gas could be collected by use of a special machine, and sold to a section of the shop at varying prices. Perhaps gas could be practically be used as a fuel for a weapon, fuel for a type of light, or processed into a fuel for a hyper jump module. This could also give way to the integration of piping systems. The possibilities are near endless.
    • Settlements: Planets could also have human or alien settlements on them. These would usually be abandoned, but some hostile or peaceful aliens or human could remain.

    Basically, all we are saying is that planets should have varying sizes, material compound, purposes, and shape.


    So far, space is unusually empty. I do not speak of the planets or asteroids or the frustrating little particles that look like tiny stars, I speak of space itself. Perhaps as time goes along, the following could be added.

    • Stars: Made of a highly volatile oxyhydrogen compound (or something like that).
    • Nebulas: Made of space dust.
    • Moons: That is slowly orbiting a planet.
    • Rings: Made of gas surrounding larger planets.
    • Asteroid belts: These circle stars or suns.

    All these are just small things that when added together, give the impression that there is much more to be discovered. I mentioned above that the small dust particles all around you are frustrating. This is true for some but is still a great graphical effect, and should not have the option to simply be turned off. Instead, I propose that there be a filter block inside ships that will remove some of these particles from view, thereby making it much easier to see. Perhaps this would even leave room for a scanning block, which sees through planets, and isn’t affected by the glare of bright stellar objects.

    Decoration Blocks

    Basic Blocks

    The idea of having special types of blocks, simply for their aesthetic appeal, is something that is of a low priority, but should still eventually be integrated. This will allow for a much higher level of customization for personalizing the inside and outside of ships. An extremely limited list of examples follow:

    • Grey, black, and white Marble
    • Polished Metal (All colours)
    • Tiling (Like polished squares of porcelain)
    • Wooden blocks (Many kinds)
    • Plasterboard (Gives a canvas-like finish)
    • Colored Matte-finish stone


    ///C:\DOCUME~1\FREEPU~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image006.jpgInstead of having individual blocks, perhaps paneling would be more effective. The types of panels here are ones that don't change how large the block is, or how much mass the block has, but simply changes the texture of the face the panel is put on, into whatever texture the panel specifies. Right click the panel to remove the panel, but keep the block. This could be a useful space saving feature, and could also make protective hull pieces look like a weaker alternate block. Such paneling could have the following effect:


    Perhaps instead of needing to apply colour to block by use of a factory, you could buy a paint brush or other such implement, and paint the block as you choose. Also, there could be an option to paint the whole block, or just one side.

    An extension to customizable colours could be to have different shield effects available. Since the shield mechanics are already in place, all that needs to occur is the changing of texture, and the accompanying interface. Coloring could also apply to certain weapons.

    Advanced Ai

    This is obviously not a matter of great importance, but is definitely something to put on the agenda. This is because the already existent Ai is a very good idea, and also one of the things that makes StarMade so unique. However, the current Ai is very basic, so the following should be put into consideration.

    • Option to use multiple blocks: This will enable the Ai to take control of various all functions, such an AstroTechnician, Missile Launchers, and Salvage lasers. The ability to do this could be unique to certain Ai’s or Ai upgrades.
    • Ai levels: This will upgrade the Ai’s ability to do whatever is has been set to do. An example is that a level 5 turret Ai will be able to aim very precisely, while a level 10 turret Ai can estimate the targets next move, and always hit.
    • Callback: Press the “T” key to call all Ai fighters/ships back to their designated docks. Select a fighter with the map and press “T” to just call back that one fighter/ship.
    • Ai Bind Key: Will bind to the Ai and allow for remote control (View will change to the Ai’s position). This will also allow you to link to multiple Ai’s and fire their weapons yourself.
    • Multiple Control Options: This will couple nicely with the above option. What this should do is enable the Ai to do the following:

      ///C:\DOCUME~1\FREEPU~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image007.jpg Shoot where you are aiming (Bind Ai’s to a key)
    • Aim at the closest (changeable) target
    • Fire at the target shooting a specific core (Only cores attached to the main ship)
    • Allow Ai’s to “track and chase” ships (This would be useful if a core was to be surrounded by Disintegration explosive)
    • Enhance targeting options so that Ai’s will target only certain factions (Allow multiple factions at once).

    [*]///C:\DOCUME~1\FREEPU~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image008.jpgProgrammable Flight Path: Give the Ai’s the ability to follow a flight path and perform certain commands automatically (Or when a key is pressed). This could hugely expand the Ai’s repertoire as to its functions. Just a few of the things it could do is have a ship, flying in a circle, with a level 10 turret on it that will aim only at pirates, and thus increasing range, defense, and cost effectiveness. The options needed are shown below. Another example (graphical) follows:

    ///C:\DOCUME~1\FREEPU~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image010.jpgMiscellaneous Suggestions (In order of Priority)

    1. Cumulative Binding: Have the ability to bind multiple functions to the same key, and then press that key to use the function. E.g. Bind an Antimatter cannon to ‘1’ and bind a salvage laser to ‘1’ and then press an hold ‘1’ to continuously fire those two devices.

    2. Friendly Ai’s: These are like the Ai of pirates but won’t attack you, trade items, and also fight by your side.

    3. Mid air Placement: Similar to placing a ship core, but works with any block. Press the “P” key to place a block in midair, in front of you.

    4. Currency: Have different parts of the game use different currency, e.g. buy weapons with bills and buy hull pieces with credits.

    5. Shop Sections: Remodel the basic shop to have multiple sections that you have to physically go into to access. Such sections could be: a trade center (where you trade objects for other objects), a pawn broker (Where you sell things for different rates), a banker (For changing currency), a hull-smith (Buying different hull pieces), a defense shop (Sells different levels/types of shields and different cloaking/radar devices), a weapon-smith (Sells different types of weapons), a convenience store (Sells random bits and pieces such as paint. Buys them too), and finally, a manufacturer (Will make things for you without you needing to buy the tools).

    6. A Discard Cube: This will sell items to the nearest shop (if in range) once they are placed inside. Either that or just remove items from existence.

    7. Orientation key: As mentioned in the control interface section, if there was a key to slowly rotate the ship back to proper orientation, it would make the game slightly less confusing. (Index 3)

    8. Remote Pilot: This block will allow you to move your ship within a certain range. For this you require a special core and a remote. Remote piloting should not allow the use of weapons or other tools, so as to keep it from becoming overpowered.

    9. Multi computers: This could be the simple function of having two separate links to a computer, to avoid having many large modules functioning as one. Show below: [Image unavaliable]


    Do remember that this document is simply a large compilation of suggestions, and that as the game producers; you still have the right to use, disregard, or alter some or all of these suggestions. We thank you for your attention and we wish you the best of success for your gaming enterprise.

    -Sincerely, your team of gamers.
    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    I disagree with most of this.

    In my opinion what the game need is more depth and variety in ship construction.

    For instance, make a sensor block that works best when every block in the group has blocks on exactly two sides, promoting either external and vulnerable antennas or costly uses of interior ship space.

    The Ai should have a simple scripting interface similar to the software used to program lego mindstorms where you can drag and drop programming elements. With multiple selectable default programs.

    Items should cost the same for everyone, but ofc shops should be rarer and buy stuff for at least 10% less than they sell it for.

    There should be NPC trading ships that make trips between shops buying and selling and hauling items. This should cause the prices at nearby shops to be similar. Which is important, cause just this morning I found two shops next to each other (
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    By \"My Team\" you must have meant \"my random thoughts\" and by \"put alot of effort\" you must have meant had ONE random thought, and without even checking so see if it already exists, you just iterate as though it didnt.

    there are a few \"suggestions\" you made that already exist in the game. Such as the orientation key, use of doors and ALL the other interactable equipment, you can just press R. Preplaced block orientation, and worst of all, block placement. REALLY? YOU CAN PLACE BLOCKS JUST LIKE THAT DESCRIPTION ALREADY! although you had good suggestions in alot of it, these few things clearly suggest you dont care enough to take the time to look at the game before posting possible \"solutions\" to gameplay youve obviously havent experienced yourself.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The thing about making threads and posting opinons, is that you have to make people agree with what you are saying, putting \"ideas\" on how to improve the game even though those ideas are already implemented into the game is going to give you a lot of dislikes and trolls. Play the game and look around the forums before posting things like this.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    These are great ideas, and I think the only 1 I saw that was already in the game is stars, although there are only suns afaik (No stars without planets orbiting)

    I do not like the idea of blocks changing based on how much money you have, however.

    Edit: Are you guys seeing something different then me?
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    What is this I don\'t even...

    This thread is so full of fail it\'s not even funny.
