Suggestion: Salvage beam supression field block.

    Jul 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi great game just a quick suggestion not sure if it has been suggested before but thats a lot of threads to read through.

    Anyway, this suggestion is to add a block that that makes salvage beam blocks not work in a certain range of it this range can be set server side but the default could be probobly about 1.5 times the distance of the salvage beams can go.

    The block can be turned off at point range or destroyed in which you can then salvage again.

    The block should be server use only, it can not be crafted or replaced by players, this is to stop griefing and players have faction blocks themselves to protect there ships and stations, this block is for server contol over ships and structers.

    How then will this block be used? Its simple, place it in stations so you have to get out of your ship explore the station find the block/blocks and turn them off/destroy them to start to salvage the station.

    With the latest update adding person weapons you can now start filling the stations full of mobs :)

    Have fun