[Suggestion] Downloading modded texture sheets from server

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    I was thinking about this one for a bit, how it would be a viable system, and came up with this:

    1.) Make servers generate a new texture sheet, called m000 (similar to t000, t001, etc). This is so you could have more than 1 sheet if that would be necessary (m001, m002, etc)

    2.1) Either add a new setting per block to the blockconfig.xml that will state if the block will use the modded texture sheet (m000) for its texture or the regular one (t000) (so you could have double texture IDs, but different files).

    2.2) Or make it possible for texture IDs to have "m" put infront of them, to state that the block will look in the modded texture sheets instead, to prevent the whole double ID thing.

    3.) Make clients download these sheets in a similar fashion as they download skins, keeping them in a folder, and naming the sheets by the server's address.

    This whole thing (instead of "simply download t000.png") is so people can still use texturepacks and all, but can also see new blocks on servers.