Suggestion: Divide the Suggestions Forum

    Jul 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    There are SO many suggestions, it's no wonder lots of people are feeling like their good ideas are whispers in the wind. In spite of the friendly requests of how to post on these forums to help keep ideas consolidated, it's obvious that most people ignore it. So why not create a nice tree of subforums for the purpose of organizing these bazillions of suggestions??? Here's my ideas for the divisions:

    • New Block Suggestions - for anything that would be represeted by a new block.
    • Game Mechanics Suggestions - for any economy, statistic, or numerical values in the game, as well as new/different uses for existing blocks.
    • Galaxy and NPC Suggestions - Anything having to do with structures, planets, asteroids, or yet uncreated heavenly bodies (gas clouds, black holes?) as well as NPCs (pirates, traders, aliens!)
    • Admin Suggestions - This is for suggestions specifically dealing with admin functions, conigs, permissions, etc.

    I don't think I left any type of suggestion out there. If anyone thinks of something else, feel free to leave a note in the comments.

    I'm not sure how often this suggestion area actually gets referred to by Schema or the other coders, but I think we'd be doing them and ourselves a favor if referencing these ideas was a bit more streamlined. Not to mention how much easier it would be to scan through and keep duplicate ideas from branching out. So yeah, good things the forums aren't in java because "that's hard to code", and I dont think the forums are in Alpha too are they? :P
    Jul 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    This i a good idea! The problem is that it will take a while to move all the threads to the right place...
    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Just create the forums, change these to \"archives\", and have people put their ideas in the new forums. Links to archived threads for reference if they want.