Stores and Convoys

    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    After playing the game for afew hours, and buying and selling various resources, it has come to my attention that stores tend to run low on products rather quickly; which isn't too much of problem, considering the vastness of space, and the abundance of pirates... However, as a gameplay mechanic, this system could be improved by the induction of Convoys - a group of tradeships, whom resupply stations with valueable resources, and basic nessecities... How the player chooses to interact with these convoys is his or her own choice; Do you raid them, stealing a portion of their precious loot? Or perhaps defend them from would-be theives - earning some extra credits on the side? Maybe both?

    A small feature perhaps, but one which I believe could add just a tad bit more depth to this already amazing game.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Convoy Ships

    Cargo Freighter: Medium sized transportation ship, no defensive structures other than shields.

    Gunship: Medium sized combat vessel; armed with 2 turrets, a foreward gun, and missile system... Their hull is composed of re-enforced material.

    Fighter: Generic pirate class attack vessel, re-designed for defense


    As of yet, I am by no means an expert on ship design; and the above descriptions are very early concepts... I do however, believe convoys should be adequetly defended, as to deter would be attackers.

    Convoys are divided into several different difficulties based upon the amount of cargo their carrying, and the defense ships around them...

    Tier 1 Convoy: low difficulty, 1 freighter, 2 fighters.

    Tier 2 Convoy: Medium difficulty, 2 freighters, 4 fighters.

    Tier 3 Convoy: High difficulty, 3 freighters, 4 fighters, 1 gunship

    The higher the difficulty, the more defense ships, the more cargo delevered to port upon succesful arrival, the more pirates attracted to them, and the more loot dropped if killed...