Storage Keeps Auto Pulling

    Jan 14, 2016
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    I don't know if it is a bug or I am simply not understanding how the storage auto-pull works...

    Basically, I have a small workshop area on my station. A simple setup with a capsule refinery, micro assembler and one of each of the factories. I have a storage chest and some extra cargo space attached and have the chest set to pull 500 of each of the capsules, mesh, composite, etc. I thought that the storage would maintain the 500 level if available in the main warehouse but it continues to try and pull 500 every tick.

    I think I've seen a video where someone had a way of filling a chest "on demand" and then being able to empty it back into the main storage once finished with but I simply cannot find it again!

    Anyway, is this supposed to happen and if so, can anyone suggest a workaround or point me to this elusive video? I seem to think it was on a large red space station but I may be wrong?

    Jun 15, 2014
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    It is suppose to pull 500 of each per tick. If you want to make so it only has 500 at a time by making so something is pulling 500 from it.
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    Jan 14, 2016
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    It is suppose to pull 500 of each per tick. If you want to make so it only has 500 at a time by making so something is pulling 500 from it.
    I will try later in game but I am thinking that using logic I can have a "fill" button and an "empty" button.

    The fill button will activate the workshop storage chest to pull the items I want from the warehouse and then automatically deactivate the auto-pull.

    The empty button will do the same thing but with a second storage behind the first. This will pull from the workshop storage and the factories/refineries to clear the workshop away. Once this storage deactivates the warehouse will pull it back into general circulation.

    Can two storage chests use the same cargo space? I have a small area of cargo space in the workshop that I use for this purpose but I could split it I suppose if needed. I know it is only for one tick but I know that pulls can fail if there isn't any room in the target storage.
    Jun 15, 2014
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    Chests cannot share storage. With my factory I made so the refineries pull from a chest that stores the refined minerals and also a chest which contains other items in its category. (chest with hull, paint and hardner) The chest of the category also pulls from the refineries. E.g blue Advance hull: Hull, paint, standard hardner and advance hardner is made in refineries, hull chest pulls the paint, hull, and hardners into it. 1.Basic factory pulls the hull and paint into it and makes blue hull than the hull chest pulls the blue hull into it. 2.The standard factory pulls the blue hull and standard hardner into it and makes blue standard hull, than the hull chest pulls the advance hull into it. 3.The advance factory pulls the blue standard hull and advance hardner into it and makes blue advance hull, than the hull chest pulls the blue advance hull into it.
    Jan 14, 2016
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    Chests cannot share storage. With my factory I made so the refineries pull from a chest that stores the refined minerals and also a chest which contains other items in its category. (chest with hull, paint and hardner) The chest of the category also pulls from the refineries. E.g blue Advance hull: Hull, paint, standard hardner and advance hardner is made in refineries, hull chest pulls the paint, hull, and hardners into it. 1.Basic factory pulls the hull and paint into it and makes blue hull than the hull chest pulls the blue hull into it. 2.The standard factory pulls the blue hull and standard hardner into it and makes blue standard hull, than the hull chest pulls the advance hull into it. 3.The advance factory pulls the blue standard hull and advance hardner into it and makes blue advance hull, than the hull chest pulls the blue advance hull into it.
    Ok, so I will set up two cargo spaces, useful to know.

    Your factory setup sounds good. Mine usually use the stations main storage space for everything. I do have a few buffers though.

    Harvester docks, items pulled into warehouse. Ores, shards and minerals are then pulled into the refinery buffer and processed. There is a manufacturing buffer for the factories.