Stealth Platting (hull) and Shield Systems

    Oct 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    I'm sure this has been mentioned but just incase it hasnt I thought I would run this idea past people. The idea comes in two parts.

    The first of which is Hull that is especially made for stealth ships that would allow ships to be more effecticent at cloaking, while having something for of armor/hull (weaker than normal hull in either health, damage reduction, or both). This would of course need limitations so that a larger ship, say something above around 1500 mass wouldnt be able to effectively use this, in other words some type of diminshing returns based on how big the ship so that up a certain point it would become completely ineffective (we dont need perma cloaking titans, 10k mass ships ect), kind of like power and shields after a certain level do currently.

    The second part would be to allow ships to turn off their shields. This would be a more broad change that could possible be exploited somewhere else that I havent forseen. That being said I would still like to be able to do it.

    So, thoughts?
    Oct 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    A massless decoration block for stealthships mimicking hull, yes but the cloaking ships defense is the cloak not hull.

    turning off shields? Well i see no need for it but why not.
    Aug 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I dont agree with the stealth plating but the idea to switch off your shields to allow more power elsewhere is nice... although not sure how much power shields take, not much last check?

    What would make this feature more plausible is if regening shields requires power, and requires power for shields to stay on (not sure shields draw power for that?) If not they should