starmade, features

    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The idea behind starmade is great and im sure you have a lot of features planned for it, but never the less i feel i should list a few ways that i beleive it could improve

    1.a placeable control block for the space station: essentially this would act as a normal ship core would; allowing you to move the staion and edit it. the main difference being that htis block could be placed, but only on a space station. upgrade modual: a device that would allow you to upgrade things like shields, power generators,lasers,etc. you could only do this however if you had the right materials, which it would tell you.

    3.waypoints: firstly it would be nice if you could go into navigation and type something like "HOME BASE" and have that become a waypoint. In the spirit of that it would be great if you could have a section of nav. that just held your saved waypoints. next it would be nice if you could always know were your ship(s) was/were, and be able to set that as a waypoint. lastly in this catagory, it would be nice if you could see the last place that you died and set that as your waypoint until you reached that location, or deleted the waypoint.

    4. a decrease in power consumption: for nearly all of the items in the game power consumption is quite fair and balanced, however when i use either the radar jammer or a cloaking device, i cant possibly have enough energy. just to attempt it, i gathered over 300 power generators onto my ship and while not moving tried to run the devices seperatley. both nearly instantly depleted my power. this same amount of generators was able to power my 200 plus anti-matter cannons without a problem.

    5.speed: i know its already been talked about many times, so im only going to mention it, the maximum speed should in my opinion be inceased, and your ship speed should be based on the number of thrusters you have, relative to your available power.

    6. ram and cpu: about three updates ago my computer was runing fine at a comfortable level, then the next update came out and ram and cpu usage increased by a noticeable amount. while my computer still runs just fine, it would still be nice if these items were reviewed and if possible adjusted to decrease the amount of ram and cpu used.

    7. cockpits: cockpits allow for you to view the ship and or pilot it from a different frame of reference, obviously. It would be nice though, if you could enter the cockpit instead of the core and still be able to pilot your ship. lastly The cockpit is able to be placed facing a specific direction, however, no matter which way you place it ti will always look in the same direction as you core. it would be nice if the cockpit would look in whatever direction it was facing. so if you wanted to look behind you, you could, while still being able to fly the ship forward.

    8. core orientation: many times i have built my ship facing the wrong way and have had to rebuild the entire ship because i could not simply turn the core to face another direction. if you could impliment a tool that would allow you to rotate blocks while not in build mode that would be excellent.

    9. cruise control: a pretty simple idea, the ability to lock in your speed so that you dont have to hold the button if your going on a long voyage. it would be nice if you could also leave the core( or cockpit, number7 on the list) and still have the ship stay in cruise control, cruise control would only turn off if the activator left the ship or turned it off from inside a command module(cockpit or core).

    10. the last one for now, shipwalking: when walking on a ship you experience only a very small amount of glitchng if any. when walking on a ship in motion, you experience lots of glitching and will occasionally be teleported out of it( to prevent being trapped in blocks) and will have to watch your ship drift off into space without you. it would be nice if this was not the case.

    I realize that the game is in alpha and as such will have some bugs and glitches. overall i think the devs. have done a great job thus far and i hope they keep up the good work and take my ideas as well as everyone elses, so long as thier legitimate, into consideration.

    thank you.

    Jul 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    number 7 and 8 have been driving me crazy recently, i like all those ideas though