Starlancer - A StarMade fanship project

    Jul 15, 2013
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    Last month, a forum user posted this ( thread, requesting that someone take the ships from the classic space-sim game Starlancer, and rebuild them in StarMade. It must have been around the same time that I discovered StarMade, and I didn't need his motivation to do exactly that: gather as many images as I could find of each and every ship in the game (not easy, as my old copy of Starlancer is buggy as hell) and build them.

    Of course I started out with the most iconic capital ship in the game. Building this ship after having played Starlancer when I was younger felt a lot like coming home. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, with pride, the ANS Reliant.

    Flank, bow and stern.

    Dorsal and ventral views. Notice the open launch bay.

    Finally, some views of the interior: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

    The original in-game model.

    The ANS Reliant is a previous-generation carrier, classified Class 4, that was refitted for the Sol War. The ship works like a train, with the aft section containing engines, shields and power supply, as well as the bridge, crew quarters and everything else, while the three forward sections are actually snap-on launch bays. The ANS Reliant was the home of the 45th Flying Tigers, previously the 45th Volunteers, before it was destroyed after ramming a Coalition ship. With it's years of service and it's extensive modifications (including 5 new laser turrets) the Reliant was the epitome of the 'trustworthy rustbucket', small and cumbersome, but somehow always on top.

    This remake of the Reliant has virtually the same (relative) dimensions and armament. There are some differences from the original: the launch bays should open both dorsally and ventrally, but for practicality and aesthetics only the ventral side contains launch bay doors. Ships dock upside down to the ceiling. Docking is a little tricky, as the fighter's core has to be past the plexdoors, but it works. The decal should read 'ANS Reliant', but I had to trim it down to 'Reliant'. It is armed with 5 turrets, an offensive weapon (Flak Turret) on the ventral side and a powerful missile. It's main role, however, is to provide long distance support for it's starfighters, only joining battle rarely.

    I'll put up a download after some tweaking and fidgeting. Next up: ANS Bremen.
    Jul 15, 2013
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    ok, how big is your reliant? pls length, height and width, cause mine seems a bit bigger....^^

    yours is really nice, especially the detail, but i think, if you have a battle in starmade, it would not survive for long, cause of the detail you put into your ship^^

    mine is, when finished, a \"station\" of it`s own and hard to battle, i think :P
    Jul 15, 2013
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    oh, and btw the top of the hangars are the entrance into them, so the yellow stripes are not practicable, if you would want to open the top ;)
    Jul 15, 2013
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    Thanks for the comment.

    This one is 137 meters long, 46 meters wide and 30 meters high. I wanted to keep it vaguely in check with the other ships, since the Reliant is the smallest carrier in the fleet. The Bremen, which I\'m building now, is 221 meters without it\'s forward antennae. The Yamato will probably be somwhere around 280 - 300 meters, and I\'m not really sure what length the Czar would be.

    As I said, I chose to remove the dorsal hangar entrance purely out of aesthetic considerations. It needs those details, otherwise it would just be a large flying slab. I also don\'t see how the details would slow it down in a fight. Sure, I could slap a turret on every possible spot, but I\'m not really building a Starmade-style powerhouse: this ship is built to resemble the original. Even so, pirates don\'t like it ;)

    Mind sending me a screenie of your try? I\'m interested to see what someone else would do with it.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    Are the ships to scale? If I remember correctly, the ships in both starlancer and freelancer are pretty big.
    Jul 15, 2013
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    the problem is see is, you built interieur. the interiur uses up space you could use for shields, energy etc...

    AND do you have fighters? cause a carrier without fighters is pretty \"useless\" i think^^
    Jul 15, 2013
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    @Planr: There is no real way to build them to scale, because there is no source on the ships sizes that I know of. I built the Reliant just big enough to fit six craft and still be a manageable size. The Bremen I am building to be roughly 1.5 times the length of the Reliant.

    @Xeltosh: that\'s true, but you seem to be missing the point: this ship was not built to be a powerhouse but to resemble the original. The interior is there because I want it to be there. It\'s fairly fast, powerful enough and has strong shields. It\'s good enough.

    And fighters I\'ll do when I get around to them ;)
    Jul 11, 2013
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    I am currently half way through completiong of the ANs Bremen Hull, I like what your doing here. With the hull, Im having troubles with lagging, seeing as the thing is a clas 1 carrier and all, but current specs are:

    Length - 733 m

    Height - 117 m (to be added)

    Width - 210 m

    Mass - approx. 14941.9 ( again to be added) ( 149419 blocks)

    I would finish it but the thing is so massive I cant place a block wothout lag

    Hope yours is turning out better