Star System Sector upgrades


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    First off, I was not quite sure whether to put this on bugs or suggestions.

    I have been playing starmade for a good long while now, and love the game. The only real issue with it that affects every type of ship, big or small, is the sectors inside of star systems. I haven't seen a single post on it, so I figured I would. So, the current system for the sectors involves them rotating in a circle around the star. This however, leaves gaps in between sectors, and causes passing ships to warp between these sectors and the gaps between them. Because of this, ships can end up farther away from the place they are going, or even at the heart of the star, a few sectors away. This has made a trip that should have been completely safe and short, (maybe 30 seconds) into a twenty minute long trip, trying to find the right direction to go in. (Coincidentially, the new turning "fix" has made this proccess even longer.) The normal secors are fine, don't mess with them. I think something needs to be done about this, I have lost count of how many times I have warped inside the sun with a core and died.

    Unfourtunately, I am no coder, and have no way to go about this fix/upgrade.