Star Base

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Let me actually use an Asteroid as a star base. This whole space station to make a base does not work at all since the space station blocks and asteroid blocks are missaligned so you just end up getting cannot place here unodef or the opposite can not place here it belongs to another faction.

    Unless I was doing something wrong anyway. Cause I tried just using a build block with out the space station and it gave me an error every time. Something like "Cannot enter here can only enter ship block"? Or something to that effect.

    Also one other suggestion is maybe some kind of warp drive block. It goes on the hot bar and you use it like a weapon and it warps you X distance towards your set waypoint. Where x is the number of drives + total power you have available. To keep it balanced probably have it drain all of your power for a while after you warp.
    Jun 9, 2013
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    You can use an asteroid as a station. Build block down, faction module down, enter faction signature, make home. If you don\'t have a faction, press H, start or join one. To start a station where nothing is, press M.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'m having the same issue with the build block.

    When I press \"R\" on it, it gives me an error, saying only ship cores can be ebtered... so I can\'t build a base station to house my ships.

    Any idea what\'s going on there?
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Stupid me really.

    The build block must be built on a station (or asteroid, though I couldn\'t get it work on an asteroid myself either) before it allows you to enter it, and go in to build mode, etc.

    Anyone else having this issue (OP), if you haven\'t solved the problem... just find a station and build your block there. Apparantly you can also press \"M\" to create a station area where nothing exists, though I have not tried this myself (yet).
    Jun 7, 2013
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    The only issue with build block and station block mix I have is that I cannot save the space station as a blueprint for the use in the future/on other servers. Making station blocks behave like ship cores, sans ability to move would be really appreciated.