Special missions

    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    What about when you get to a shop there will be a new tab where there will be a list of missions. Those missions would get you nice loot and some money, Kinds of missions:

    Bounty missions- Kill a special ship and return to the shop with its core to complete it.

    Cargo missions- Get some (unusable) items on your ships PlexStorage, get the location of a shop/spacestation to bring this to and get the money. To spicen it up: when carrying these items to its destination pirate spawn rates will go up by 90% (of course with a limit to 5 pirates tartgeting you at the time) So this is a more advanced missions

    Escort mission- Same as Cargo missions but escorting a (Very vulnerable) ship. The amount of damage the ship has will depend your reward. For example. Base reward is 1000000 Cr but when ship gets damaged for 25% you only get 75% of the reward (750000 cr)

    Whaddaya think? it adds some nice RPG elements without ruining gameplay since this is optional.
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This is a pretty good idea, although i dont think it would fit well being in the shops, but rather another place like.. spacestations that ARE active.. good for the \"escort missions\" cecause of the hangers the stations have..
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    If Mr. Schema added in active space stations, then quests would be an awesome feature to implement.
    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    It was my original idea to have them add in space staions. But since shops are the only (Non-enemy) thing you can interact with i had them for there. tough if spacestations become active Schema might aswell move it to there. i\'ve always wanted to see spacestation active with shops and stuff and a main bulletin board displaying all kinds of missions to go on. Maybe its fun to have a RPG like respect system, like every faction has its own missions. Like traders guild have the item transport missions. The space commission has escort mission and bounty missions. But the missions of the pirate faction are different. Like raiding missions. When doing a mission for a certain faction you gain respect for them (And respect for other factions decrease) so you gain new missions from that faction. So choosing for what faction you wanna do missions it will fit your style of gameplay.