Spawn/Cancel do not Appear during start up

    Jul 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Good evening,

    I've got a weird one.

    ==System Specs==

    MacBook Pro, 13 inch, Late 2011

    OS 10.8.4

    2.4 GHZ Intel Core i5

    4GB RAM

    Latest Star Made build and launcher.


    I start the launcher. Click "Start Game." Click "OK." (Options: Sandbox; Tutorial OFF; Resolution 1024x768; Fullscreen OFF; FOV 85.0; Sound ON, Volume 10; Invert Mouse OFF; Invert Ship Mouse OFF). Then, things load and I get a moving star field. I used to get a Spawn and Cancel. But, now, the star field just keeps going. All I can do is quit.

    I have deleted and reinstalled the launcher and latest build. A forum search has not helped me.

    Anyone know what I could try next?
