Something to Remember

    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    While the current mass influx of suggestions is certainly a blessing for this game we all love, let us all remember that there are still multiple core issues with this game that must be fixed before any suggestions of magnitude -or lack thereof- may be implemented. Some of these include:

    1. Economy: Lets consider the ever so popular warp gate suggestion real fast. With the current state of the economy, if a massively expensive warp gate was introduced into the game, where the price is set high to avoid overuse of fast travel and warp-gate space pollution, the price would still be negligible. Why? Because the design of the economy, at this state in the alpha, is such that any expensive item introduced will be easily attainable. And that's a problem.
    2. Bugs, and more bugs: THIS IS ALPHA. While your idea for a pet hamster cage to put inside of your ship is certainly cool, the order of business for this game should probably be to one, fix bugs; two, expand on features and introduce bigger features; three, pet hamster cages.
    3. Most Important (not really): Devs, pleeeeeeeeease make thrusters be required to face backwards, just to fix certain aspects of ship design (aesthetic purposes, and actual flight purposes).

    While all of these suggestions are fantastic, and they all should keep coming in, let's try and remember these few things. But most importantly, just from glancing at the suggestions page, this game seems to have a very passionate and active community building, and these suggestions can only help! I don't know about you all, but this is the most exciting game I've stumbled upon recently.

    Happy flying,
